Sorry Not Sorry Redux

Event Date

Oct 10, 2017

Four of the definitely not sorriest looking homebodies from the 28216 made it out on a lovely Tuesday morning for the Sorry Not Sorry Redux.  Here is the tale of their sorrow (sorry).


Dynamic stretching platter. Arizona showed up late and missed the soft gayze

The Thang

99 Luftbaloons, also known as just the 99 for those scoring at home

Set 1

  • 99 LBC’s

  • 9 Burpees

  • 99 High Knees

  • 9 Mericans IC

  • 99 sec Wall Squat

Set 2

  • 88 LBC’s

  • 8 Burpees

  • 88 High Knees

  • 8 Mericans IC

  • 88 sec Plank

Set 3

  • 77 LBC’s

  • 7 Burpees

  • 77 High Knees

  • 7 Mericans IC

  • 77 sec Wall Squat

Set 4

  • 66 Side Straddle Hops

  • 66 LBC’s

  • 66 sec Wall Squat

  • 6 Mericans IC

  • 66 Lunges

Set 5

  • 55 Side Straddle Hops

  • 55 LBC’s

  • 55 sec Plank

  • 5 Mericans IC

  • 55 Lunges

Set 6

  • 44 Side Straddle Hops

  • 44 LBC’s

  • 44 sec Wall Squat

  • 4 Mericans IC

  • 44 Lunges

Set 7

  • 33 LBC’s

  • 3 Burpees

  • 33 sec Wall Squat

  • 3 Mericans IC

  • 33 High Knees

Set 8

  • 22 LBC’s

  • 2 Burpees

  • 22 sec Plank

  • 2 Mericans IC

  • 22 High Knees

Set 9

  • 1 min Raised Plank

  • 2 mins Bridge

  • 2 x 30 Sec Side Planks L & R (Only thing didn't fit in)


  • 99 Luftballons is an anti-war protest song by the German band Nena from their 1983 self-titled album. An English-language version titled "99 Red Balloons" was also released on the album “99 Luftballons” in 1984 after widespread success of the original in Europe and Japan. The English version is not a direct translation of the German original and contains somewhat different lyrics.

  • is the “National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse” and an excellent resource for all of us that happen to be part of the Paternity Fraternity. It includes clever apps like “Who's your daddy?” and “Where's your daddy?” that you should definitely take some time to peruse.

    Note to Grip – there is a Dad jokes section on the website if you are in need is some new material

  • All four of us parked our cars in the lot with “a wide stance”

  • Three dudes carry stuff into dessert….

  • Some counting challenges by Q. This is what happens when you start counting on autopilot

  • Official scoring of the 99 Luftbaloon exercises included a total of 484 LBC’s, 319 High Knees, 165 Lunges, 165 SSH’s, 319 seconds of wall squat, 225 seconds of plank and some sweat puddle envy

  • I need you on that wall

  • During a full frontal physical, Doctor asks if there is any discharge coming from “down there”. Why yes there is, and it happens to have the consistency of cottage cheese

  • Although calf cramps while sleeping are common, even rarer is the arse cramp while sleeping. Except in prison

  • Lunges are evil

  • Not sure how one can tweak a calf performing a high knee, but Q managed to. Bring back the compression sock, regardless of the verbal barbs it causes to the wearer to endure.

  • No shows this morning could be related to last week’s failure to post. Pax thought they may get punked again

  • Although it took a couple weeks to accomplish it, that workout was well worth the wait

  • Shout out the fellas for staying a little longer to finish. Very strong showing indeed.

  • It's both an honor and a privilege bitchachos (term of endearment)