SPEARHEAD: Operation – Bell Tower

Event Date

May 20, 2016


  • Manhands, crisp lead.  You held the group together well and you were clear and concise in communication
  • Cupcake, you made a snappy correction and crushed it.
  • Cornwallis, you took the time to pull your team together for the final movement, give them some motivation, and led them all the way back.  Well done.
  • Hall Monitor, you were a positive influence on your team and helped the stay focused.
  • Winnebago, you are a beast.  You always seem to take the worst situation and shake it off.
  • Estes, the way you focus and drive through the tough stuff has always pushed me to be better.
  • Mr. Burns, thanks for the convo on the Standard and thanks for the co-lead.  You're a good bad cop.

Team, you moved well through mission.  You were fast.  In one hour you moved more than 3.5 miles under logs and made it through PT in between movements.

I hope you all enjoyed the mission YHC put together.  The fact that you were unknowingly opted into Mr.Burns and YHC's ingress mission shows that you can certainly combine a GORUCK style mission and the game of Ingress for some pretty cool stuff.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, Bago.

Below is the mission in it's entirety. 

Operation: Bell Tower


19-05-16 at approximately 0400 an alliance missile convoy was travelling south on Statesville Rd in Cornelius close to 131 Main restaurant when the convoy was attacked.  This particular area is overrun by a cruel trafficking cartel known as “Kiljoy”.  Kiljoy and a small unit of US Commandos (3) traded fire in the attack.

The commandos were able to maintain control of an undisclosed number of the missiles.  They held control until they reached Grace Covenant Church pull-up forest where they hid the missiles. They were then driven back and their whereabouts are unknown. Your mission has been broken into smaller movements to maintain the secrecy of the missiles and the safety of the commandos.


Movement 1:

Your team will be dropped in the HLZ (helicopter landing zone)     

0500 20-05-16. Your Team Lead will be Manhands.  TL organize and mobilize your team quickly. Use Mission Vitals for reference.  You will receive Movement 2 when you arrive at the launch point and further instructions as you progress.


Mission Intel:


·          Full GORUCK Tough Standards

·          Full Bladder

·          Enough logs for each man (minus TL)

·          TL – Burden of leadership

Launch Location:

·          East side of Grace Covenant Church pond

Launch Time:

·          RTM 0515 (ready to move)

Launch Specifics:

·          > 10 men 2 ranks

·          < 10 men 1 rank

·          Face pond

·          No Flag


Movement 2:

You must move to the last known communication point of the US commandos which was the Northcross Shopping Center fountain.  Your next intel packet including the next movement will be there.




Movement 3:

TL must assign a new TL.

The initial drop point for the missiles was the 131 Main “Launch Pad”.  You must obtain the missiles and move them to the originally intended drop point.  You will be moving through enemy controlled territory as indicated on the included map.  While in controlled territory you must be dark and silent (unless crossing a road in which case red head-lamps are permitted).




Movement 4:

TL must assign a new TL.

TL must signal helicopter rescue by creating a silent bear-crawl lasso a single time around “launch pad”.




Movement 5:

You have been spotted by hostiles as well as your rescue squad.  You must carry missiles to pull-up forest and rendezvous with the three lost commandos in the HLZ for extraction.