Speed and Leg work at Titan

Event Date

Jun 11, 2018


FNG-1 = Tantrum's 2.0, "Faceplant".

7 PAX were not deterred to post on a hot and humid day at Titan.  Here is roughly what went down:

0450:  9 Lives rolls in and we both commented on how early we were.  And we both agreed that we wake up at the same time whether the AO is 5 or 15 minutes away.

0500:  ~2.4 mile #RunStandard with 9 Lives, Anchovy, Jaws, Tantrum, and YHC.  Tantrum peeled off to get his 2.0 Connor (Faceplant).  Shamelessly, we visited the Hopewell High Track to make sure it was open.  Actually, there were multiple gates open, which we naturally took as a sign of welcoming.

0530:  Joined by Blinky (Kotters!), and Faceplant, we did:


  • Mosey to the track.  Disclaimer given en route.
  • One "unity lap" around the track with:  High knees, butt-kickers, exaggerated long striders, Quadraphelia, and side shuffle L / R.  Circled up for:
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean Farmers x 15 IC
  • Hold Al Gore for ~30 seconds to explain The Thing.

The "Speed and Leg work" Thang:

  • 800 meters (2 laps) at 10k pace minus 10 seconds.  Further explained as:  Not a sprint, but faster than a mosey for sure.
  • Hold Al Gore until 6 arrives.
  • 400 meter "recovery lap" together.
  • 800 meters at 10k pace minus 10 seconds
  • 200 meter recovery run OYO
  • 100 meter lunge walk (audibled from 200 m) OYO
  • Hold Al Gore until 6 arrives.
  • 500 meters at a slightly brisker pace.
  • 400 meter "recovery lap" together.

Exit out the back side of the track for:

  • Quadraphelia up the nearby hill
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Mosey down the hill.
  • Repeato:  Quadraphelia up the hill, followed by Slow deep squats x 15 IC

Mosey to the front of the school for:

  • 80% effort-sprint the length of the parking lot
  • Curb calf raises x 15 OYO
  • 85% effort-sprint back


  • Front leaning rest / calf stretches
  • Hamstrings
  • Quads

Recover, recover.  We covered 5.8 miles between "The Standard" and "The Thing", which means we covered ~3.4 miles during the main event.


  1. First off, good to see you Blinky.  Kotters!  Blinky claims to be a "fair weather runner", but you look like you haven't missed a beat bud.  Your timing is perfect, this week is "Operation Headlock", where as a Region, we are hoping to get some FNGs and "Kotters" to come back.  Hope to see you out more.  As discussed, look on the "Preblasts" tab of this website for an "F3 Dads Workout" this weekend.  Details TBD, but will be up there soon.  More on "Operation Headlock" here:  http://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/summer-2018-operationheadlock
  2. Speaking of Dads, always cool to see Tantrum with 1 or both of his boys.  Today, his oldest joined us.  Faceplant was awesome on the first 800 but tailed off a bit after that.  Understandable though…maybe he's used to 7 AM workouts at The Estate?  Good to see him push through after some encouragement from his Dad.
  3. Today was Anchovy's first post at Titan, and he definitely lived up to his speedy reputation.  Anchovy dusted everyone on the 800s today and seemed barely effected by the heat.  Great to see you at Titan, branching off from other workouts like Gaga and Odyssey.  The PAX will soon start to ask you:  When will your first Q be brother?  You are ready.  A "run heavy" workout like Titan, Excelsior, Java, Gaga, etc., would perfectly fit your strengths in my humble opinion.
  4. Strong work at always from 9 Lives.  He dusted everyone on one of the hill Quadraphelias, a skill learned as a High School Defensive Back "just a few years ago".  Strong #DoubleDown on Saturday as well, having done the "River Rat 10k" with YHC and others then posting at Mighty Jungle for the "Jungle Bear" after that with his 2.0.  Beast.
  5. Speaking of hill Quadraphelias…Jaws took the first one.  Dude runs fast forward, but somehow just as fast backwards!  Appreciate the opportunity to lead today, and appreciate that you've stepped up to be MQ at my favorite AO.  Yes…YHC deserved to be called out for missing a "few" Titans (last one was April 30th, sorry

    so I promise to be back more often.  Editor's Note:  That's supposed to be an emoji ^, but I can't figure it out.  : (

Enjoyed it gents.  I think we worked up a decent sweat despite the lack of upper body work.  Have a great rest of the week.
