Speed for Need – Huntersville Holiday 5K

Event Date

Dec 07, 2018


20+ pax from across F3 Lake Norman, FiA, and Run for Holland celebrated 4 AWESOME track commanders as we ran the first annual Huntersville Holiday 5K at NIGHT! Here is their story:

5:30 PM

YHC and Poptart jumped in to get the tent and chairs setup at the Huntersville Holiday 5K expo

6:00 PM

Our track commanders and drivers started showing up and fellowship ensued

7:00 PM


Speed for Need has had the pleasure of running with Holland and Wesley in past races. These kiddos are professional track commanders and they knew exactly what to expect. But this race was special as they got to share the experience with their siblings, Luca and Jackson. It is just more fun when it is a family event. Holland and Luca rolled in with 12 runners and family members from Run for Holland. Wesley and Jackson had their mom and grandparents in tow and their dad, 8-track running in spirit from afar (No literally he ran a virtual 5K to support his boys…strong brother!).

Awesome to have Heather and White Lightning bring their Run for Holland crew down to push. Heather has been instrumental in driving awareness and support for Run for Holland and is ready to lead for Speed for Need in 2019!

As we lined up to start the race, it is always an awesome moment. The kiddos were ready with glow sticks and finger lights, the runners with headlamps and fairy vests, and even the race director couldn't wait to get rolling for his first time running this race at night.

YHC made sure everyone understood we would run a nice and EZ, fellowship pace. The first mile was right on track…9 minute miles…yup. Full Moon and Poptart had everything under control as F3 LKN pushed the boys. Then we hit the first downhill and our SFN FNGs took over. SEE YA! Daisy and Swing State were off and would never look back. The boys got in on the act as we sung Christmas songs and an occasional yelling of "CHARGE" at each car that passed in the other lane. The boys both instinctively raised their arms in victory as we crossed the finish line. Who Pushes Who was in full effect. Run for Holland wasn't far behind with Holland and Luca looking awesome in their team hoodies and Christmas lights. All the kids loved getting their finisher medals straight from the race director and their Speed for Need drivers. We closed with a group picture and COT (Circle of Trust).

Every Speed for Need race is different. This one was all about family. It didn't take one long to see the close family bonds and support for these track commanders. Not only from their parents, grandparents, and friends but also from their siblings. From picking their chair colors to who was winning the "race," it was obvious we were pushing brothers and sisters.

Congratulations and thank you to all of our track commanders and their families for riding at the Huntersville Holiday 5K with Speed for Need. Thank you to all of the runners who pushed, ran, and cheered on these kids. Thank you to Bear, the race director for the Huntersville Holiday 5K and Half Marathon. It is bittersweet as we close the door on the trailer to end the 2018 Speed for Need season.

Certainly, we will miss pushing Track Commanders for the next couple of months but we are inspired to expand and improve as we look forward to 2019! Who Pushes Who…

Don Ho
