Speed for Need – Run for Holland

Event Date

May 26, 2018


6 pax from F3 Lake Norman made the trek up to F3 Keystone to support four track commanders; Holland, Meagan, Reggie, and Neal, and our fellow F3 brothers at Run for Holland. White Lightning (Adam Burleson & also the Race Director for Run for Holland) and Whoopi led for F3 Keystone, Run for Holland, and Speed for Need. Here is their story:

Speaking of running, find the opportunity to push one of the Speed for Need chairs, even the non-runners should give this some serious thought. I did it for the first time this past Sat. at Run for Holland in Spruce Pine. Let me start out by saying this was way outside my comfort zone…way outside. There aren’t too many situations where I am uncomfortable but being in close contact with developmentally challenged people is definitely one of them. That quickly disappeared the moment I met the Track Commander and her family. Meagan cannot communicate verbally but the squeals of excitement she got from riding in the SFN chair was absolutely amazing. Her enthusiasm quickly flattened out the hills we ran and made the race one of the most exciting things I’ve done this year. When we crossed the finish line, I needed a few minutes alone so I could compose myself before I could speak with anyone, the feeling was overwhelming and a little tough to describe.

– Duvall

The above says a whole lot about why Speed for Need races are different and AWESOME! Duvall sent this out in an email after the race and Moses was generous enough to forward on to YHC. Speed for Need's involvement is not just that of running in another 5K. It is so much more and Run for Holland was no exception.

YHC showed up to First Baptist Church in Spruce Pine at 0630 to meet White Lightning to help setup. It wasn't long before pax started rolling in. Soon there were 20+ F3 and FiA pax along with hundreds of other folks waiting on the arrival of our four track commanders. Neal rolled in with Fenway by his side already engaging and encouraging. Meagan and Reggie weren't far behind. It was awesome to see all of the pax jump right in to help fit the track commanders in their respective racing chairs. Neal in black, Meagan in blue, Reggie in green, and, of course, Holland in pink. We lined up the track commanders at the start for their introductions.

White Lightning took the mic and did a beautiful job explaining the purpose of the race and the massive impact that Run for Holland has in the Spruce Pine community and beyond. This community came together to volunteer, support, and cheer on these track commanders and this race. They read a description of what it is like to have a child with down syndrome called "Welcome to Holland." Before the race started, White Lightning introduced each of the track commanders with a little bio and why they chose to ride with Speed for Need.

This race was so special. Every Speed for Need race is special but this one pulled at the heart strings for sure. It was really awesome to see the unique personalities that each of the track commanders brought to their driver teams.

Neal. Oh Neal. I've never met such an engaging, big personality. Neal LOVED this race and made sure to let you know it. He sang several songs including the National Anthem as Fenway, Fresh Prince, Whoopi, and Pizza Man churned up those hills. He wore a hat that read "Jesus is the Boss" and no doubt in my mind that is how he lives his life. He was smiling and fist bumping and encouraging everyone around him. So special.

Meagan was pushed by Duvall and Kale Chip. It was obvious that Brandon (Kale Chip) is her rock. She would have ridden in that chair as long as they were pushing. YHC can't describe her ride any better than this excerpt from Duvall:

"Meagan cannot communicate verbally but the squeals of excitement she got from riding in the SFN chair was absolutely amazing. Her enthusiasm quickly flattened out the hills we ran and made the race one of the most exciting things I’ve done this year." – Duvall

So special.

Reggie was a smiling machine. Reggie's parents made sure to let us know that you would know he was having fun when he started to kick his legs. And it didn't take long for Ponch, Steam Engine, and Mona Lisa to get him going. He was kicking the whole race. Reggie couldn't jump in the green chair fast enough upon arrival. From the moment he saw the chair, he was ready to rock until the moment he crossed the finish line and we slipped the SFN medal around his neck. Reggie LOVED IT. So special.

And Holland. Sweet Holland. It's hard to not love the Burleson family. Adam, Brooke, Holland and Luca have such sweet hearts and such passion for the Spruce Pine community. It was obvious from meeting their family (and there were a bunch there supporting the race) that the sweetness and passion extends throughout the Burleson clan. Holland is a sassy, loving, and exciting little girl. She loves the camera and was clappy, waving, sticking her tongue out, and LOVING the entire race. Holland is now a Professional Track Commander at these Speed for Need races and will, no doubt, be the one pushing these chairs at some point in the future. It was so inspiring to watch Holland's parents, Adam and Brooke, race as they pushed her across the finish line in Sweetness (the pink chair). So special.

Speed for Need is not just a group that pushes those with needs that are special in racing wheelchairs. We connect and love on others. And in turn they are the ones that are continually pushing us…to go faster, yes (YHC still has yet to find a pax that can resist the urge to run faster once they get behind the bars of a SFN chair), but they are pushing us to be more compassionate, more loving, and more inclusive of the communities around us. There were not 20+ pax there just to push four track commanders in a 5K. There were 20+ men and women there to lead and love on others.

Who Pushes Who?

YHC is so proud to have brothers like Duvall, Fenway, Mona Lisa, Fresh Prince, Olive, White Lightning, Whoopi, and all of the F3 & FiA Keystone pax that came out to support Run for Holland. You men & women continue to inspire and encourage. Thank you so much for stepping up and leading at Run for Holland. So special. Until the next time…

Don Ho
