Speed – Java Java Java!

Java doesn’t particularly have a reputation for speed.  The regular Pax is a great group, and I am on the fringe for membership approval.

So this morning 13 Pax got their ”kicks” on for a tour of Birkdale.  We usually set-off and head down the greenway or to Robins Park.  This time we took our chances across the street in the Birkdale neighborhood. YHC had a general sense of the route distance, but he wasn’t sure if we needed to accelerate to make back to home base @ Starbucks in time. 

It’s adequate, but it is no Madalyn’s coffee house.  It’s the difference in atmosphere like being at McDonald’s or a cozy neighborhood coffee joint. We miss Madalyn’s our “F3 man cave”! But I digress.

Moving to the workout, the Pax was full of chatter this morning from the start.  Outlaw had a beef to settle with Callahan for leaving him last Monday @ the Arnies Standard.   I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when Outlaw charged him and quickly belly laughs ensued. 

So, sigh- it I was back to normal and all was good!

Here is how is all went down:



  • SSH x20 IC

  • IST x15 IC

  • Toy Soldier x15 IC

  • Windmill x20 IC (more chatter than Pax counting, so I didn’t know what # we were on)

  • Runner’s Stretch


Launch from the artificial turf in front of Starbucks and down Birkdale Commons at a good clip.  Stop for a few pain stations. Take a detour into Breckenridge up to 73 around Chesterbrook school.  Wrap around “Panda Park” and down Brentfield to Birkdale Commons.  Back to our artificial turf launch pad.

Pain stations:

  1. Mercian’s x12 IC, LBC’sx12 IC

  2. CCDs x12 IC, Crunchy Frog x12 IC

  3. Shoulder-touch Merican’s x12 IC, W's x12 IC


  • For a relatively boring plan, there was lot of moleskin material and a lot humor to go around.

  • Aussie is a “pace monster” – We started at go! Then we were motoring at ~ 9.18 pace.Some watches said sub 8’s. Overall we had a mile or so in the 8.30s.Although, I can remember last year before the BRR, Aussie was clipping in the 7’s.

  • The OG was out in force this morning Moses, Gump, Ludi, Callahan, Outlaw, Stromboli to name drop a few.

  • The Java regulars led by Mobydick, Thug, Alex, and even Fullmoon gets credit even though missed the start but made to coffeetaria

  • LoneStar and Tiramisu represented the Birkdale Clown Car and had strong showing. Thank you for keeping me accountable and continual support.

  • Payers out to our brothers Dill’s nephew and Holiday’s father in-law.

  • Thank you to Moby Dick for the opportunity to Q and lead these fine men. Especially, the OG!