Speed Play Runs at Odyssey

Event Date

Oct 15, 2021


Something new was introduced to the PAX at Odyssey in the form of speed play runs which is an easier (supposedly) version of running intervals. The workout consisted of an easy 1.5 mile warmup to Robbins Park and then 6 intervals around the Robbins Park loop (2 minutes at Zone 4 and 2 minutes at Zone 2). It was trickier using time vs. distance but we figured it out as it ended up being around half of the Robbins Park "track". The PAX went hard and kind of hated it which means it must've been a good work out.

On the way back during the cooldown we ran directly into a sea of others also running intervals around another "track" by Brusters and Gallway Hooker. It got a little hairy as we had to dodge them. No casualties but a few close calls and a bit of bubbling tension as we tried to weave through them. Still probably safer than the blown up sidewalk of Catawba. Coffee was enjoyed afterwards talking marathons, electric vehicles and training plans focused on not getting hurt. Good times!