Spending those stimulus checks

FNG-1 was Motion Lotion who after 3-4 years of pressure has been as consistent as a post-coffee evacuation.

This was how the 5 round of the Road to Shambala went down. 13 HIMs assembled in the gloom and moved to a more open area where they picked up 2 stragglers.

Warm-o-rama ensued with various dynamic and static stretching/loosening occurred. Much mumblechatter ensued about a Davidson takeover when a particularly yoga-like manuever was called. However, shadowboxing and hot yoga were not on the menu today.

Thang 1;

Long zamperini slowsey over to the large parking lot where more mumblechatter was cast down about long walks in the park or something. Upon arrival in front of the Dick's Sporting Goods, we began our shopping trip where our purchases cost 5 IC shambalas (YHC didn't choose the name of the exercise fwiw), then jog to the next store, where we paid 10 IC overhead presses in addition to the previous exercise, and on to the next store, re-paying previous purchases while making new. 15 IC skull crushers, 20 IC upright rows, and 25 IC curls were added at subsequent stores. Plan changed here from walking back down the stack returning everything as the loss of blood last night (give a pint get a pint event) added to the cigar and bourbon of the holy smokers was taking its toll. 

Thang 1.5;

Slowsey to the large Bluefield rd. Hill and partner up. Partner 1 starts 100 squats while partner 2 quadrephelia up the hill to 10 little man in the woods and back down to switch up. One round of this sucked so bad YHC moved to another quadrant of the parking lot where we resumed with 200 mericans while partner 2 ran up the zig-zag sidewalk to 10 little man in the woods. At this point, Apehangers ran off into the woods and came back without either sock. We'll leave that alone. After the 200 mericans we switched to 300 curls. Called it a few reps shy and headed back towards the AO.


Flutter kicks & LBC. Recover recover.

Points standings have been adjusted with several events occuring in the past 24 hours. Missing fight club participants and will update tomorrow with those results.


Brushless 30
Apehangers 29
Cupcake 28
Lear 28
Goat Path 28
Deep end 28
Soul Glo 23
Chief 22
Cheez Wiz 20
Scrum 18
Discraft 18
Motion Lotion 17
Senator 15
Banana Peel 14
Dewey 13
Motorboat 13
Goodell 13
Mailman 12
Deadpool 12
Contra 11
Usain 10
Straight Cash 10
Pyle 9
Pink Slip 6
Tiny Dancer 6
Stroker Ace 6
The Bends 5
Totebag 5
Bombardier 5
Exodus 5
Strutter 5
Tony Robbins 5
Yukon 5
Tool time 3

