Spent 50th Bday Schwingin some Bells !

14 Men of F3 Lake Norman came out to celebrate life and the Qs 50th birthday into Respect ranks.

Warmorama: IST, Cotton Pickers, Toy Soldier, SSH

Move those KBs to end of parking lot to partner up.

Partner 1 – lawn mower pulls, Partner 2 – run to end of lot

Next, KB swings, then squats

Mosey with Bell shoulder press or Zamporini toward playground & back tent benches

Alternating with Bells – Dips, curls, incl mericans, skull crushers, touch them butts squats, shoulder press

Mosey back to teacher's road.

KB Curl Time Bomb – 6-5-4-3-2-1 holding the curl halfway when not curling

KB Squat Time Bomb – holding squat halfway when not squatting

Mosey to circle up for alternating MARY and KB exercises.

Midway – lunge walk with air press blaster


Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Stapler for allowing me to Q MMM.  Always some Beasts out their Swinging those KBs !

 2 – 6+ years in F3 has brought so much positivity to my world.  So great to see the boys in the Gloom and busting chops keeps me young.

3 – Thanks to 14 guys for coming out to wish YHC happy birthday and start of new age group with 50 big ones.

Carry On !

Mayhem (in the AM)