Spider Bites & Undersized Rocks

Event Date

Sep 29, 2018

10 men came prepared for a pain party this morning, and cake and presents were waiting for all.  Most of the pax also attended Excelsior beforehand, Turnpike completing the full triple-down.  FNG = Faceplant, Tantrum's older son.



Warm Up:

  • SSH 20 IC
  • Mt. Climber 20 IC
  • Windmill 15 IC
  • IST 20 IC
  • Cotton-Tugger 15 IC

The Thang:

  • Indian Run 2 laps / .5 mile
  • Rock Squat 15 IC
  • Rock Twist 15 IC
  • Curl 15 IC
  • Chest Press 15 IC
  • Skull Crusher 15 IC
  • Indian Run 2 laps / .5 mile
  • Lunge 30 OYO
  • Plank-Jack 15 IC
  • CDD 15 IC
  • DIP 15 IC
  • Decline Merc 15 IC
  • Indian Run 2 laps / .5 mile
  • Rock Squat 10 IC
  • Rock Twist 10 IC
  • Curl 10 IC
  • Chest Press 10 IC
  • Skull Crusher 10 IC
  • Indian Run 2 laps / .5 mile
  • Lunge 30 OYO
  • Plank-Jack 15 IC
  • CDD 15 IC
  • DIP 15 IC
  • Decline Merc 15 IC
  • Indian Run 2 laps / .5 mile


  • WWII 20 IC
  • Mason Twist 15 IC
  • Pretzel 10 IC each side
  • Low Dolly 15 IC
  • Plank 60 seconds
  • Recover Recover!



Mumble-chatter was top-notch today men.  Kudos to Faceplant, the 11 year old who grabbed a bigger rock than Turnpike (who shall now be known as Fruity Pebbles).  JK – we can't give Turnpike that much flak… when you triple-down, we just say "respect" and move along.  Also, the RBP pavillion is completely infested with spiders.  Hopefully all pax either remain bite-free, or will become Spiderman.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the post, I was worried the Indian runs would be a bit much for what is typically a bootcamp.  Fortunately it's running season and feedback seemed positive – I like doing a bit of interval work when we can – get the cardio going, then get the rocks, and go back-and-forth.  I believe Turnpike commented that this was the first time the three workouts combined for over a half-marathon of distance, so cheers to that!