Spin the Kettle

Event Date

Jan 19, 2018

YHC loves the Denver PAX and wanted to show them just how much.  There’s been some time since the last Q so there may be a few good ones up YHC's sleeves(are there sleeves in tanks you say?)



0530 we go

Disclaimer as the AO may have some slick spots and the Q is wearing a boot:-)


—Abe Vigoda (slow windmills) x 15(IC)

—Plank Arm Circles x 15(IC) small forward…hold it…small backward…hold it…big forward…hold it (then someone forgot who was Q)…so we Seal clapped…hold it…now big backward

—Touch your toes-ish (so many layers)

Next…Sleigh Bells, Mustang Style!

—Halo carry your bell down the parking lot and we stumble upon some gear by the hill that leads to the upper field

Sleigh Bells, Mustang Style

—PAX place their bells in the sled (~150 lbs. total), then work to secure them with a hay strap

—One PAX slowly lowers said sled down the hill slowly, then pulls back up (easier than it sounds)

—Rest of PAX perform various planks til all get a turn (regular plank, low, reverse, left arm & right arm)

The Thang

—Find a flat dry spot and see what we have in store

—YHC had craft night and has a cardboard “spin the bottle game” set up (kettle bell style)

—Pull up the random number generator app and each PAX member gets a spin for each round.  Once we go all the way around another number is generated.

—The board is numbered 1 thru 18, where each number represents a KB exercise.

Round 1 —number generated is 15

Plank Row(IC) Each Arm

Plank Reach Under (OYO)

One Arm Curl(IC) Each Arm

Russian Swing (OYO)

Russian Swing (OYO)

Round 2 —number generated is 13

Partner up (one PAX holds both bells extended overhead while other planks then switch) (IC)

Sit up and Press (OYO)

American Swing (OYO)

Goblet Squat(IC)

Wind Up/Unwind (swing bell around waist, then back around) (OYO)

Round 3 —number generated is 13

Row(IC) Both Arms

Switch Hand Swing (OYO)

One Arm Chest Press (OYO) Each Arm

“Spinner’s Choice”—Bell Burpees…burpees with a deadlift replacing the jump (OYO) #CrowdFavorite




Mary was sprinkled in



YHC was moved by a recent tweet by F3 brother Catfish in Rock Hill.   Cliff notes version is below, but I’ve also provided the link for your reading pleasure.

“As a member of the Rock Region leadership, as a member of this greater community of F3 #PAX, I have become apathetic. I’ve gotten lazy on #backblasts. I’ve not pushed myself out of the fartsack on mornings where I should have. I’ve not invested myself into this region like I’ve done in the past. I haven’t pushed to EH has many guys as I have in the past. I’ve not made an effort to get to the AOs who have VQ’s on the days I’m posting.

I’ve gotten comfortable.”

“We all have our F3 story, how it turned us into stronger men, physically, spiritually, and mentally! It makes us stronger, more effective leaders, it pushes us out of our comfort zones and encourages us to grow!”

“HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE! Accountable to you, accountable to the region, accountable to growing this crazy, sweat-inducing thing we all love!

But be prepared because I’m going to hold you accountable too. This region, this F3 nation is not a one-man band. It takes all of us to keep our region growing, to keep sharpening each other into the men we’re called to be!”




We’ve all been here in our F3, work, coaching, church, family, scouting, and etc. life.  Stop being comfortable!!!  Step out and lead…lift up…check on someone you haven’t spoken to in a while…perform a random act of kindness…




—WAY too much time between Q’s.  Hopefully that’s behind YHC.

—Grateful for those that traversed questionable conditions to be there this morning, and safe travels to them for the rest of the day.

—Sincerely missed those that couldn’t make it, but whether you know it or not you are always there in some fashion or the other.

—So good to have Vortex visit, and he got that which was promised.  A HC for the P200 (he just didn’t read the fine print), as they now have a driver (but who knows that’s 2 months from now so the driver may be cleared to run?!?)

—So nice to have Crawdad as we need a resident smart guy.  Sometimes common sense goes out the window in the gloom and he’s right there with his professional opinion #TimeSaver

—CSharp is still going strong.  21 days makes a habit.  So good to see you out brother.  You motivate more than you know.  You also seem to know a lot about the internet.

—Zippy may have a small case of cabin fever, but I think it’s cured.  He was having so much fun with snow balls(boulders) that I hated to call time at 0530.


Be safe out there this morning brothers and have a fantastic weekend!