Spit fire was born

We got 4 people ( 1 FNG)got lost because the address on the calendar @ 635 Davidson, we need to edit it to Methodist Church

Pusher started the running group, and WMD started the warmup while Cobra Kai trying to get the new guys direction.

18 who came in the nice weather this morning


Mosey to BBQ for Warmorama




  • Wait… the Disclaimer. It was given under thwe awning so romantic, “ I’m NOT….,This is self policing, stop or modify the exercises as required!’ Moses & Jersey Boy would be happy, even though it may not hold up in a court of law.
  • SSH X 20 IC
  • Fron SHX20IC
  • Windmills X 20 IC
  • Imperial storm troopers X 10 IC
  • Carrot pullers X 20 IC


Mosey to the stop sign near Which …


The Thang

 Hindu push up to cobra X10 IC

side jump lunges X10IC

modified WW II X 20 IC

Jump frog X10 IC

The Sheik started singing a lullaby…and drums rolling….Crude started to join us a little late

We were doing more a natural Ginastica, for more details come out next week if you DARE…!!


Recover recover


 Welcome to 2nd poster Spit Fire(David a veteran 29 years pilot who got injured last mont from his first F3 and bumped with Cobra Kai's gang at Corkscrew Buttercup and Merquez) ,we got him to come to painlab.

The Spit Fire was born TODAY!!!

47 degrees this morning the boys no complaint 

The annoucenment about the Christmas party and prayer request from spackle and Olivier's family who his daughter positif Covid-19

Great work by everyone this morning.  Buttercup almost spit merlot on the second round.

We follow a discussion at the Summit coffee lead by The Sheikh and closed the prayer by Wolverine

it was an honor to lead this great group of guys.