
Event Date

Oct 31, 2018

YHC ran a sadclown standard, and got a little creative with GPS handwriting. 0528 and finally the first of the remaining PAX start rolling in. 0531 and we have 7. FNG-1 above is Marker, stated he is feeling some serious DOMS from #TheMurph. Since today is Halloween YHC decided to make it a themed workout. At least all but the remaining 3 exercises anyway. Here is how it went down…

20 IC Mummy kicks
Monster mash – similar to green Sally, hold pushup position down. Whenever "mash" is said push up.
Ghostbusters – SSHs and everytime you hear Ghostbusters do a burpee

One lap around the parking lot, ending at the middle for some parking lot fun

Killer Beatdown
Frankenstein walk up, MB (aka toy soldiers)
Spider walk up, MB (aka crab walk)
Creepy Crawler up, MB (aka bear crawl)
Lucifer Lunge Walk up, MB (duh)

KettleBells (Witches Cauldron hence forth…) work. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble
20 OYO Witches Cauldron swings
10 IC Witches Cauldron squat presses
10 IC Witches Cauldron skull crushers
10 IC Witches Cauldron curls left
10 IC Witches Cauldron curls right
10 IC Witches Cauldron high pull right
10 IC Witches Cauldron high pull left
10 IC Witches Cauldron Dead lifts
Repeato… Q thought we maybe didn't have enough time, so we rolled into a longer Mary instead of repeating

10 IC Flying Ghosts (Superman)
20 IC Dying Cockroaches 
20 IC Freddie Kruger Mercury's 
31 LBCs </end creativity>
20 IC Peter Parkers
10 IC X's and O's
30 Second American Hammer

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


  • Abrams states that he disliked the "Monster Mash" song before, but now likes it even less
  • Mater hates running…really? Because you have shaved minutes off your mile
  • Ziploc still nursing the knee. Also is the only PAX to post in a costume. he came as the Credible Hulk, one "who always cites his references". But really I think he just wanted an excuse to wear those cutoff jean shorts
  • Hefty surprisingly didn't show up in custume. Also talked about not being in soccer shape. I'd hate to come across him in actual soccer shape then…
  • Mulligan, again with the ugly UNC sweatshirt
  • Marker, somehow doing all of this with no gloves