Spreading Christmas Joy

Event Date

Dec 17, 2022

At 7pm last night, Clark challenged the PAX of F3 Denver to Q at Mustang.   YHC thought about it for a few minutes and decided I should step up and do it.  This would be a Christmas theme, but what would be a great workout?  I started to type up a few of my favorite’s and put them in a box and wrap them.  My preblast was a picture of these “gifts” and it encouraged 8 PAX to show to see what gift they would receive.  FNG-1 is Bronco.


  • BBBroga
  • Windmills 8 IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers 8 IC
  • SSH 8 IC
  • Cotton Pickers 8 IC


There were not enough gifts for everyone but everyone would get to share in the gifts.  Instead of making the PAX find a pickle on the tree, we just started with the oldest PAX.

Sonar’s Gift

5 More for 10 minutes

Head to block pile

  • Curls
  • Overhead press
  • Bent over rows
  • Skull crushers


C#’s Gift

Triple Nickel

  • 5 burpees run to other side 5 WW1s run back,

Repeat 5 times or 10 minutes


Abrams’s Gift


Head down to pull up bars – AMRAP 10 minutes

  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 merkins
  • 15 squats


Bronco’s Gift

Catch me if you can –

Partner up –

Head to the track

PAX 1 does burpees while PAX 2 quadriphilias.  PAX 1 chases PAX 2 and when he catches him, PAX 2 does burpees while PAX 1 quadriphilias.  Repeat in this fashion for 10 minutes


Clark’s Gift

Head to Tennis Court

  • Bear Crawl length of the court and lunge walk back
  • Carioca across and back

Repeat for 10 minutes


Cornholio’s Gift


  • Run to benches – 20 step-ups (total)
  • Middle part of top of parking lot – 20 merkins
  • Benches in front of gym – 20 dips
  • Launch pad – 20 squats


Then Jesus came to them and said “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18-20

While we celebrate the birth of Jesus in a few days, we are thankful that he is our savior, but this salvation also means that we must do as he commands.  I challenged the PAX to share the gospel with 1 person who is lost in the New Year, and spend 1 day a week with them and share with them God’s love of them.


Not much M/C that I recall because everyone worked so hard. 

Sonar and C# were trying to come up with a name for this workout.  C# won!  Sonar’s was very negative.  “Santa sucks!”   Thanks for the input

Abrams again complimented YHC on my half marathon, then invited me to the Abramsthon, which will be Christmas Eve morning starting at Mustang at 7am

Clark reminded me that there was still one more “gift” (which I wasn’t planning on “giving”) to avoid doing another Bear Crawl across the tennis court.  Good Call Clark!

Bronco, Cornholio, and Diesel all worked hard and didn’t say much, that I recall.

Diesel, sorry you didn’t get to open a gift, but hope you enjoyed everyone else’s


I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, enjoy and be safe.  It was my pleasure to lead today.

God Bless, 
