Spring Forward 60 minutes

Event Date

Mar 12, 2016

10 PAX today including Laettner not mentioned above.

10 OYO Broad jump forward 3 hops back

The Thang:
Mosey down to the blocks/rocks.  Groups of 3, each group needs 2 blocks and a rock.
1-30 Curls with rock
2-30 LBC
3-Walk up hill turn around walk down, carrying 2 blocks

1-30 Skull crushers with rock
2-30 Dying Cockroaches
3-walking quad-ra-feel-ya up hill and back, carrying 2 blocks

1-30 Air presses
2-Freddy Mercury
3-walking quad-ra-feel-ya up hill and back, carrying 2 blocks

Put rocks up, but keep blocks.  Everyone has one. 
Mosey to bleachers (hallelujah walk with blocks overhead)

½ PAX take 2 blocks up stairs, across, and down
½ PAX burpees on football field

½ PAX take 2 blocks up stairs, across, and down
½ PAX Dips on benches on track

½ PAX walking lunges with 2 blocks on track until running PAX return
½ PAX run up stairs, across, and down

Mosey to Australian Bar are (hallelujah walk with blocks overhead)
5 Infinity ½ burpees around 2 blocks, merkin is done on the blocks for deep merkin
10 Block Hops sideways (block on end, tall)
15 Australian Pull-ups (repeat about 3 times through)

Partner up
30 (15 each) Hot Blocks (sit toe to toe, one does sit up with block, then the other.)

Mosey to return the blocks

Line up on practice field for Little Michigan
Sprint 20 yards, then back.  Sprint 40 yards, then back.  Sprint 60 yards then back.  Sprint 80 yards, then back.  In 2 waves, one after the other.

Gather round the big tire.
Inner 5 guys do hop ups, outer guys do squats.  (Switch and Repeat) (Twice)

Mary was incorporated in the workout, but time allowed for some extra…
15 LBC
5 Dr W’s

Reflection:   Straining Toward the Goal
?Philippians 3:12-14 (ESV)

12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. 13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


  • ?Doublecheck says he finally sees what everyone looks like due to warm weather and not covered in layers of clothes, then says he doesn't like seeing us and is going home.
  • Diesel compares leading the PAX to leading a den of cub scout.  Lots of mumble chatter.
  • At coffee Goodwrench says… "Hey, anyone want to double down and go to the free 9:00 workout at Burn Bootcamp?"… a few think about it, next thing you know Skipper, Goodwrench, Closer, and yours truly are throwing it down in BBC representing F3.  We had a blast, but are going to feel that later.  May have even EH'ed a few husbands who don't know it yet by talking to their BBC wives.  Always recruiting!