Springtime and the Running’s EZ (at GAGA)

Event Date

Apr 09, 2019


Three pax joined YHC at #GAGA for 5 miles at an EZ marathon taper pace through the wet streets of Norman Island and Birkdale Village.

  • Beetle and Garcia got 3 bonus miles in beforehand.  Haven't seen the full route, but it did include a bunch of loops around Robbins Park.
  • Beetle had to slow the pace a few times on account of having overindulged in ice cream the night prior.
  • Garcia was admonished to get signed up for dads camp, stat.  He got 'er done as soon as he got home.
  • Hoodie took a break from all the beatdowns to join the Boston taper crew before their race.  He doesn't appear to have lost any run fitness at all.
  • Thanks to PopTart for the opportunity to lead this morning.
