Sprint Work…Focus on the Five!!

Event Date

Jul 06, 2022

YHC was proud not to FS and made it this time….Since my goof, I've been looking up techniques for improving speed on the 400m and 200m. Good news is there is a lot of content on YouTube. Bad news is, everyone is an expert these days. The most interesting thing I saw was that your first 5 steps of your 400m should be a dead all out sprint. The logic here is that it is much easier to maintain speed than get up to speed.  Nonetheless, I extracted what I could and we got to it this lovely Wednesday for some ludicrous speed. 

9 PAX took a 400m stride around the track and circled up for some stretch.

10x long snappers – 10 slow windmills – 10 slow deep squats – 20 total mnt climbers

20 yard walking knee to chests for stretch (repeat-o)

50 yard jump skips + 50 yard sprint (repeat-o)

Let's work….

1x 400m @ 75% output + 50m walk

2x 250m @ 100% output + 100m walk

2x 150m @ 100% output + 50m walk

Jog over to soccer fields for a modified Michigan 

6 x 100m run + 20 mnt climbers

5 x 100m run +. 20 mnt climbers

4x 100m run + 20 mnt climbers

3..2..1 (you get it)

Recover Recover


Fantastic effort by all the pax…we all tried digging deep on the first 5 steps of our speed work. Not much chatter as we were beat. We got some great tips from The Force from his 7.4K and the benefits from a slower pace. The usual folks were in the vanguard (Drebin, Gambini, Twilight and Matlock) Those boys were moving this morning…Memo mentioned we got 2.7 miles in which was pretty good considering not too many laps! Thanks for letting me lead BEP..was a fun one!
