Warmorama: Jog, Buttkicks, High Knees, Karaoke, SSH x 25, TS x 15, Windmill x 15, Merican x 10
The Thang:
Sprintervals (distance = 40+ yards):
jog and jog back. repeato x 3
7 mericans, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3
7 frog jumps, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3
7 CCD, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3
7 WWII, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3
7 Wide mericans, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3
7 Suitcase, sprint and recover walk jog. repeato x 3
jog and jog back. repeato x 3
Mary: LF x 20, Plank with Dolphin, Box Cutter, V-Up, Mason Twist
- Happy birthday, Twister!
- Why does your dolphin sound like the 3 stoogies?
- Building houses is a valid reason to miss a workout. Shampooing your rug is not.
- Look out for SnT's VQ coming up!
- Always an honor to lead fine men.