Spur One Another

Event Date

Nov 08, 2017

Warm up


20 x copperhead squats IC

10 x low plank to high plank IC

The Thing

Partner Up for a Circuit  

From Launch Pad pick a station, if you are waiting on a station for others to finish you hold a plank.

Station #1 20 x KB Skull Crushers – 40# option available

Station #2 Picnic tables at tennis courts 20 x steps ups

Station #3 Lunge walk down

Station #4 20 x dips at benches

Station #5 Curb sit-ups

Station #6 20 x down unders

Station #7 10 x pull-ups

Station #8 20 x decline merkins at steps

Repeato until time called for Mary



20 x Low flutter IC

20 x E2K IC Left then right

20 x Low dolly IC

20 x IC mason twists



Hebrews 10:24-25

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


We each gave as much today as we were pushed to do so by our partner. Let us all push one another to be better, physically, spiritually while holding everyone accountable but encouraging.



  • Chatty Cathys, time to get to work fellas. Good to see a good turnout despite the high probability of no rain

  • Good chance to chat it up in a small group. Clark immediately uses the opportunity to check in on me, thanks brother

  • Waltzed between the raindrops however the wind was no joke

  • Pray for idiots 🙂