Large showing at Cobalt this AM! 10 out for SSH Thursday!
Dynamic Stretching, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Storm Troopers, High Knees, Butt Kicks
The Thang:
- 50 SSHs
- 50 LBCs
- 45 SSHs
- 45 Squats
- 40 SSHs
- 40 Mercans
- 35 SSHs
- 35 LBCs
- 30 SSHs
- 30 Squats
- 25 SSHs
- 25 Mercans
- 20 SSHs
- 20 LBCs
- 15 SSHs
- 15 Squats
- 10 SSHs
- 10 Mercans
- 5 SSHs
- 5 LBCs
- 5 Squats
- 5 Mercans
- Natty- Reverse Crunches
- Slow Roll – 1 Legged Burpee
- Arizona- Mason Twist
- Mojito- Rosalita
- Grip- WWII
- Twister – Box "Glass" Cutters
- Pinky – Jack Knife
- The Germanator – Freddie Mercury
- Surf and Turf – Plank Toe Touches
- El Tigre – Floor Wipers
Pax completed the workout with 10 Burpees OYO.
The Moleskin:
- Welcome Back Germanator! Calf muscle is healed and he' "ready for anything"!
- no ladies present this am! Guess they fart sacked their workout this am. Mojito and El Tigre were going to race them….
- Mojito and El Tigre meet for the Standard and put in some pre-workout mileage… 3 miles
- The Germanator and Grip were disappointed with the late Preblast email, they said they would have made it to the standard ; ). El Tigre didn't send it out until 11pm, oops!
- Pax agree there will be a great turn out for Surf and Turf's annual slip and slide party next year due to Natty's promo!
- Great showing of the pax this am, 10 total at workout today
- Q needs to work on his counting and math skills, especially for early morning deciphering and cadence.
- Prayers still for 704 and his weight loss and hip replacement surgery. Praying it all goes well with a quick recovery!
- As always, it was an honor gentlemen!