St. Patrick’s Day edition of THE Horseshoe

Event Date

Mar 17, 2020

This will be the last formal PAINinsula workout for a while – my sincere thanks to the 6 men above who joined me in the rain for the March edition of THE Horseshoe

The Thang:
Mosey to the lower lot 

Disclaimer and update on Coronavirus, F3LKN response to limit size of groups and options of smaller, OTB groups going forward

Cotton Pickers X 10

Windmills X 10

Mosey to the hill, Hollywood and Cousin Eddie pick up rocks to keep themselves within sight of the group

5 total laps, uphill both ways, with the usual pyramid of exercises for 5 sets and 100 reps each of the following:






Mosey back to the launch, Pledge of Allegiance at the fire station on the way

Naked Man Moleskin:

I have been asked repeatedly whether all of these precautions for Coronavirus are necessary or overkill. I have read 3 sources primarily – Johns Hopkins, UCSF and Cleveland Clinic (as well as some guidelines from Harvard) and have received CDC updates and particpated in several NovantHealth updates – the epidemiology for doing nothing was unacceptable and placed our most vulnerable populations at extreme risk. None of us like the restrictions, but I would agree they are necessary and warranted. The healthcare system in Italy is very sophisticated and they have been overwhelmed. France's rate of infection is surpassing that of Italy at this point as their populace is taking the refusenik approach. If we do everything correctly, the naysayers with comment it was a big ado about nothing. For my aging parents sake and the immunocompromised patients, family and friends I know, I hope they have that luxury. Some young, otherwise healthy people are going to get this as well and have life-altering complications and even death – 14% are getting a severe illness with long term lung effects or cardiomyopathies and some will die. It is a courageous thing to instill these measures and it takes leadership – following the guidelines and leading this initiative in our communities while supporting those less fortunate and more at risk than ourselves is EXACTLY what F3 compels us to do. 


