Stacked Pain at Fallout

Event Date

Oct 09, 2018


Jenny signaled mid-day that he was on the mend and needed a pinch-hit Q at Fallout.  YHC has been needing to get back at it after a long Q hiatus, and decided to step up.

6 pax joined YHC for some stacked pain.  Here's how it went:


Mosey around parking lot with wide high knees and side shuffles.  Circle up in usual warmup spot at end of lot.

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 10 IC
  • Good Mornings x 10
  • Toy Soldiers x 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 10 IC


Mosey to field side of parking lot.

Stack #1 – Curb Stack

  • Curb Mericans x 5 IC, then bear crawl to opposite curb
  • Curb Mericans x 5 IC, Curb Dips x 10 IC, bear crawl back
  • Curb Mericans x 5 IC, Curb Dips x 10 IC, Rocky Balboa x 15 IC, bear crawl
  • Curb Mericans x 5 IC, Curb Dips x 10 IC, Rocky Balboa x 15 IC, Offset Curb Squats x 10 OYO each side

Mosey to pavilion.

Stack #2 – Wall Stack

  • People's Chair 30 sec, then lunge walk around pavilion
  • People's Chair 30 sec, Air Press x 10 IC, then bear crawl 2 sides of pavilion
  • People's Chair 30 sec, Air Press x 10 IC, Touch Them Heels x 10 IC, bear crawl 2 sides
  • People's Chair 30 sec, Air Press x 10 IC, Touch Them Heels x 10 IC, Peter Parker on Wall x 10 IC

Mosey to cinder blocks.  Grab blocks and circle up in parking lot.

Stack #3 – Block Stack

  • Block Curls x 10 IC, bear crawl around circle until you return to your block
  • Block Curls x 10 IC, Block Overhead Press x 10 IC, bear crawl around circle
  • Block Curls x 10 IC, Block Overhead Press x 10 IC, Block Swings x 10 OYO, lunge walk around circle
  • Block Curls x 10 IC, Block Overhead Press x 10 IC, Block Swings x 10 OYO, Block Skullcrushers x 10 IC

Return blocks.  Mosey to grassy hill in field.

Stack #4 – Grassy Hill Stack

  • Burpees x 5 OYO, bear crawl up hill
  • Burpees x 5 OYO, Prisoner Squat x 10 IC, crawl bear down hill
  • Burpees x 5 OYO, Prisoner Squat x 10 IC, Monkey Humpers x 10 IC, bear crawl up hill
  • Burpees x 5 OYO, Prisoner Squat x 10 IC, Monkey Humpers x 10 IC, mosey to parking lot for WWII Situp x 10 OYO

Remain in parking lot for Mary.  All exercises x 5 IC:

  • Low Flutter (YHC)
  • Russian Twist (Code Blue)
  • WWII Situp (Elmers)
  • LBC (Tugboat)
  • Touch Them Heels (Bob Ross)
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans (Snake Eyes)
  • V-Up (66)

Elbow Plank 45 sec (all pax)

Recover, recover.


  • Solid work by all pax this morning.  Cobains to the glove-less pax for all of the bear crawls.  YHC tried to switch it up some to save your hands.  YHC's current gloves are pretty torn up, so I suffered some with you.  Time to order some new pairs.
  • Had we had more time at the end, I was hoping to stack the Mary exercises as well, e.g., YHC's exercise, followed by YHC's exercise plus Code Blue's exercise, and so on.  I look forward to busting that back out at a future Q.
  • Thanks to Lawn Dart (and to Jenny) for the opportunity to lead the pax this morning.  It'd been several months since I'd Q'd anywhere, and a good while since I'd Q'd at #Fallout.  Glad to be back, and look forward to Q'ing again soon.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  I'm forever grateful.
