Stairway 3-7

Event Date

Mar 07, 2017

Thirteen pax posted for the 5:15am Tuesday AES. Plus Riptide and Tin Man who are not registered, and I may have missed another.

After a standard warmup we ran to the back of Baker for a pullup/burpee ladder: 12-10-8-6-4-2 pullups, then run and do 12-10-8-6-4-2 burpees in the parking lot.  Finished with a super set of pullups to failure and plank.  Then we went to the track for Stairway to Seven, the original way since our group was small: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 burpees, supine pullups, incline pushups, run to top, squats, run back down.  Last we went to the new rock wall for a dip+push-o-rama (crowd pleaser) with alt step-ups for rest. Then back to  the Green for Mary and COT.

COT: Keeping all teenagers in our prayers and asking for strength as leaders of our families. Also, Tin Man is leading a discussion of C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity on Tuesday AMs after the DBC at Summit. And lastly, OBC reminded us of the May 20 Coyote!

Moleskin: Riptide posted with the Early Crew but was listed on the Weekly Schedule as Co-Q for the Tuesday Late Shift!  I guess he does not read the emails in addition to not being registered on the site.  And by the way, he only uses gloves if it is under 25 degrees. And he owns no performance clothing, just cotton manufactured in the 1985-1989 time period.  If he were reading this, I would tell him that I love and envy him for his independence from the trappings of modern culture!

Gabby is getting faster and faster and since he is 6-9, he will be hard to keep up with if this continues. Chim Chim and I take three steps to his one!

Thanks guys for the opportunity to lead. And a special thanks to Duvall for giving me a slot on the schedule this month!