Stairway to Burpees

Event Date

Aug 25, 2018




Grab a half block from the pile.

While holding your block over your head the best you can, follow the Q up the big hill. From there we head to the stairs.

While on the way to the stairs to the dock we took a quick pause to regroup and do some merkins.

Once we reach the stairs the PAX is made aware that we will be doing 10 burpees at the top, running done the stairs, once at the bottom we will be doing 10 more burpees and then running back to the top. This was done 6 times. (120 Burpees and 790 stairs)

On the way back to the AO we once again stopped to regroup, this time we did LBC's.

Once back at the AO we did a few parking lot exercises. (Broad jump, Quadrifillia, High knees, bear crawl)


Philippians 4:13 

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Today was not easy and took a lot of determination. 


-Good work men that was a suckfest.

-Strong numbers for SVU during BRR training. I was pleasantly surprised.

-Not sure SVU will let me Q again.

-FNG was Gruut (2.0) 

-Wanted a rest day but when Skipper mentioned needing a Q I couldn't pass it up. What was I thinking?