Stairway to Elevens

Event Date

Apr 17, 2018


6 men gathered on a frosty April morn.  Some to work out the AO-AO Ruck sorness…others, just becaused they missed us.


  • SSH X 20IC
  • Mtn Climbers X 20IC
  • Toy Soldiers X 15IC
  • Cotton Pickers X 10IC


Grab your waters and start moseying up the big hill.  Metro informs the Q that he has to leave early today and since we were working out behind his house he decided to drive back home at 0540.

Get to bottom of hill on Rustling Woods – spin around – and quadraphelia all the way up to top of hill (400m)

  • halfway up the hill the peanut gallery pipes in
  • Metro rejoins us the last 100m up the hill.

Head down Stormy Point Ct and head to stairway down to docks.

Elevens –

  • 10 Hand Release Merkins at bottom
  • 1 Stranded Turtle at top
  • -1 at bottom and +1 at top after each round
  • 68 steps up and down in each round

Head back out to Rustling Woods – mosey to bottom of hill – spin around and quadraphelia back up to main intersection – mosey back to AO


  • LBC X 15IC
  • Side Heel Touches X 10IC – Dandy's favorite
  • Fire Hydrants X 10IC both legs


  • No disclaimer was given this am.  Hefty made the Q aware of the liability now on his shoulders.
  • Dandelion needs to do more merkins – that will fix his jiggly nipples
  • 136 stairs in each round of Stairway to Elevens – 1360 total – no thank you's were given.
  • Lots of chatter about the AO-AO Ruck, maybe it should be a biannual event instead of annual.
  • No shots fired this am…has to be some sort of record!

Quote of the Day: R. Lee Ermey – Drill Sargeant from Full Metal Jacket – who passed away this weekend

  • "I firmly believe that you live and learn, and if you don't learn from past mistakes, then you need to be drug out and shot."

Pleasure to lead this am!