Stairway to Heaven

21 Showed for what might be a record-breaking amount at cauldron.  Seeing that it’s been maybe a year since I queued an AO why anybody would trust my old Azz to lead them to the promise land of pain and agony.   But I think it turned out to be some good pain and agony…

The AO consisted of the following…

21 moved to DPK parking deck, where we left our KBs for a mosie around the DPK museum with the following steps at each corner..

  • 15 SSH
  • 15 carrot pullers
  • 5 burpees

Mosie to the next corner

  • 15 box jumps

Mosie to the next corner

  • 15 Mtn Climbers
  • 15 Merkins

Mosie back to the Parking Deck, staircase and KBs for some classic rock and a bit of stairway to heaven. 

Split up into 2 groups –

 Group A ran the stairwell to the top and back down

Group B performed each exercise below alternating with partner each time to run the steps up/down

  • KB Skull Crusher
  • KB Press
  • KB Curls
  • Group A ran parking deck ramp, Group B merkins, alternating turns

Group A ran the stairwell to the top and back down

Group B performed each exercise below alternating with partner each time to run the steps up/down

  • KB Plank rows (everyone serenated the lyrics to Stairway to heaven, I got goosebumps) haha
  • KB Alt Rows
  • KB Swing
  • Group A ran parking deck ramp, Group B Jump squats alternating turns

Group A ran the stairwell to the top and back down

Group B performed each exercise below alternating with partner each time to run the steps up/down

  • KB Goblet Squat
  • KB Squat press
  • KB Alt Lunge R/L
  • Group A ran parking deck ramp, Group B Burpess alternating turns

A little different Mary Style to end the day.

Everyone circled up in a tight circle and on our 6, while everyone took turns one soldier bear crawls around the outside of the circled-up platoon while at the same time the rest perform an ab workout of ones choosing.  Everyone took turns bear crawling and picking a different ab workout.


The finally (Mole Skin)

Great turn out and work by all, everyone seemed to know the words to one of the greatest rock and roll songs of all time (Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven) which was a pleasant surprise.  It was a nice turn out at coffeeteria, but it might be more memorable than the AO, fortunately nobody lost a car thanks to Hammet for alerting everyone while we tried to enjoy our caffeine that were not allowed to park in the parking lot behind main street coffee.   Fortunately, the tow truck driver was not part of f3, but I think he was scared when he saw 10 dudes walk up to him asking what he was planning.  I think we scared him, so he let all of us of the hook. 

Nice work men!!  Lawn Dart OUT!!  AATW!! 
