Stairway To Heaven – Jacob’s Ladder

Event Date

Jul 11, 2023

2 for 2 unknowingly separate standards 

The PAX had no idea what they were in for today… This is how it went down.

Tour the parking lot for a quick warm up lap, smosey style. Circle up near the blocks.


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 20 Toy Soldiers IC
  • 15 Wood Choppers IC
  • 10 Wind Mills IC
  • 2 Shoulder Stretches


The Stairway to Heaven is a combination of 8 movements across each parking bay. This required instructions, but luckily I remembered to give everyone a job to remember only one exercise.  This could have been a disaster with lesser men.

Round 1

  • 20 Overhead press
  • Lunge w/ block across parking bay
  • 20 Curls
  • Bear crawl back to start w/out block
  • 20 Muricans
  • Broad-jump burpee back to block on other side
  • 20 Squats
  • Carry block to next bay

Each subsequent round we decreased by 5 reps then started over at 20. The final 3 rounds  we did 5 reps to beat the clock. Total of 9 rounds.

  • Mosey back to start and circle up
  • 1 crisp clean burpee
  • Recover Recover

Smoked Moleskin:

  • Today there was very little mumble-chatter which is sad because it truly is my favorite part. It was for good reason though. This group put in work today. There was nowhere to hide from this old school workout introduced by Bogey at the Blender from days gone by.
  • The 9th PAX was the humidity. He was a turd.
  • I’m grateful to Toby for the opportunity to Q the at the arena today.  This group is always strong, works hard, and stays positive. Can’t beat it.
  • Prayers for Ponch’s grandpa who lost his wife of 72 years recently. This is his first full week without her.  Prayers also for our own Blackbeard.  We gotchu broseph.
  • Prayers for the unspoken prayers on our hearts as well. Every man wrestles, few tell about the match. Be vulnerable with your brothers men. It is where you are your strongest amongst brothers.
  • Thank you to the men that posted here today. As you went back and forth and ground it out, I hope you recognized how this mirrors the battles we face in life.  Sometimes it feels like the battle is too big. Sometimes you want to quit or just do something else. But if you look to your right and left you see that others are going through the same exact thing even if they are challenged in different ways. And if you keep moving forward you will tackle the battles. Do that enough times and you will win the war. The one within.