Stairway to Seven

Pre-workout festivities started at 645 (or earlier for some ruckers) with:

  • 2 mile run for Pit Stop, Crocs, Something, & YHC at a pace nobody liked and
  • rucking adventure with Carpet Bagger, Prison Break, Swanson, Jaws, and Camelback

The BootCamp fun started promptly at 715pm and ended at 8pm…so that we could convene for tacos and Miller Lites. A brief but pointed disclaimer led to a mosey up the ramps for a huddle to hear a story from my 16 yr old self. This was Mom’s wisdom bequeathed to me on a 3×5 card and tucked into my suitcase at the beginning of a year-long exchange program. 

  • You can do as much as you think you can, but you’ll never accomplish more.
  • If you’re afraid of yourself, Dear Friend, there’s little for you in store.
  • For failure comes from the inside first. It’s there if we only knew it.
  • But you can win though you face the worst, if you feel you’re going to do it.

The pax didn’t disappoint. They all delivered for the next 43 minutes! The main event was first. We ran a Stairway to 7 from the top of the deck to the bottom where we did 1 full turkish getup (i.e. 1 get up left and 1 get up right) with a shard from a broken concrete block in one hand and then ran to the top of the deck and completed the ‘7’ with 6 burpees. We continued incrementing by 1 with turkish getups at the bottom and burpees at the top until we had completed 6 getups and 1 burpee. Airstream and Pit Stop put in some extra credit. Everyone finished. 

From there, we moseyed one level down the ramp for some partner plank lawnmower pulls (10) and partner plank reverkins (10). Then we loaded the ark with some Tippy Bird walks (20 yards) hip flexor lunge stretches (20 yards). Then the battle rope beat us up while one pax called an ab exercise (Mary With a Rope). We got 14 ab exercises to 10-ish and a shoulder workout to boot. 

Race down the ramps to return the cinder block shards and one last exercise, the Makhtar N’diaye to 10 IC


  1. 3 namings and all three of these FNGs led an exercise today!! Welcome Plug and Father/Son combo Watch Tower/(Carson) Daly. 
  2. Thanks for the EH, Pit Stop. You’re an inspiration.
  3. The mumblechatter was strong during MWAR. I wasn’t following it all, but it was clear that everyone recovered quickly from the main event given the laughing.
  4. Thanks to the rest of you idiots for following me for 45 minutes 😉

Get lean and stay lean.
