Star Gazing

10 got warm quick with some burpees at The General


  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Cotton pickers x 15 IC
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • Toy soldiers x 10 IC

Tha Thang:

  • Burpees x 20 and then run a lap around the parking lot
  • Burpees x 15 and then run 2 laps around the parking lot
  • Burpees x 10 and then run 3 laps around the parking lot
  • Burpees x  5 and then run 4 laps around the parking lot

Mosey to the wall for some star gazing

  • People’s chair w/ air presses x 20 IC
  • People’s chair w/ heel touches x  10 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • BTW

Mosey to the playground

  • Pullups x 10 OYO
  • Burpees x 5 OYO
  • Squats x 20 OYO
  • Bear crawl around the playground

Repeato (x3)


  • Dying cockroach x 15 IC(Eeyore)
  • Pretzel crunch x 10 IC /each side(Stapler)
  • LBC x 15 IC(Oyster)
  • V-up x 10 IC(Roadie)
  • Mason twist x 10 IC(BoarHog)
  • Elbow plank-30sec.(Eeyore)



Great group as always at The General……must be the MQ.  Burpees and laps around the parking lot shut down the mumblechatter reel fast.  Coffeetria couldn't come quick enough, but you guys killed it.  Definitely not an Outlaw approved workout, and even though he wasn't present, BANG, BANG still got me in COT.  Until we meet again….E