Starfish AMRAP Round #2

Event Date

Jan 10, 2019


Seven showed for the second round of the starfish AMRAP. Cold temps but Pax got right to it and pushed through more reps / stations today than round #1. Good work men. 


SSH – 25 IC, Toy Soldier – 15 IC, Cherry Picker – 15 IC

The Thang

Sprint from launch point at entrance of clubhouse parking lot to 5 different stations (starfish format) in the parking lots and perform called exercises. After each station, sprint back to launch point and perform same called exercise from last station before sprinting to next station. First set of 5 stations together, then AMRAP of the stations.

  • Station 1 – Burpees – 10 OYO
  • Station 2 – WMD's (werkin, merkin, diamond merkin) – 15 OYO  
  • Station 3 – WWII – 10 OYO
  • Station 4 – Surf and Turf (high plank / opposite hand to foot touches) – 20 total OYO
  • Station 5 – CDD's – 10 OYO

Pax did between 3 and 4 2/5 sets of 5 stations for the following totals:

60-100 burpees

60-100 WMD's

60-80 WWII

120-160 Surf and Turfs

60-80 CDD's

360 – 520 total reps + 2-3 miles running 


  • Q's preblast had a transposition error in zip code. We had one FNG that missed the workout as a result. Embarrassing for a former auditor. My apologies 911. Hopefully we'll see FNG soon at an upcoming workout.
  • Pax was pumped for burpees at Station #1. El Tigre was hoping for bookends at Station #5….had to settle for CDD's
  • Mojito is pumped for the Palmetto 200. Sounds like training has begun.
  • Double gloving it works well when temps are under 30.
  • Natty Lite's explosion story was entertaining although it sounds like Mrs. Natty wasn't happy
  • Quote of the week: "Put some dick in it". Original credit to Surf and Turf
  • I've mentioned the Joe Davis Run for Recovery a few times. 5K or 10K race is on 3/9 in Fort Mill, SC. 114 currently registered with heavy F3 participation. Registration link:
  • Always an honor to lead fine men. Great work today gentlemen.