Starry starry night: Catch the Breeze and Winter Chills. Fission Backblast

Event Date

Dec 10, 2020


A half-dozen hard-chargers sallied out in the starry, starry night for this week's Fission.  A good time was had by all.

The thang:

Mosey to Dunkin Donut front plaza for warm o rama.

CoP:  SSH's, windmills, ist's, toy soldiers, squats, Americans

mosey to the police station bars for reverkins, hang ups, pure barre

mosey to church for little wall step ups

mosey to rock pile for round-robin of curls, presses, skull crushers, bent over rows

head back up Church Street hill doing the street light boogie with plenty of Americans mixed in with CDD's from Cally, Scapular push-ups from Caesar, burpees from Hollywood, LBC's from Canuck, Freddy Mercs from Cousin Edward.

mosey back to church for another round of little wall step ups

mosey back to the police bars for more reverkins (overhand, underhand) and pure barre

mosey back to launch for mobility moment.


Ye olde moleskine:

Callaghan opined that working out in olde towne Cornelius brings to mind the old Oakhust days.  #singleTear

Cousin Edward knocked out a fast standard prior to the festivities.  BZ

Hollywood had to pull the burpee card, but at least he is clean cut.

Canuck looked like a gemini astronaut entering the capsule during the reverkins (which is appropriate since he's our resident star instructor)

Caesar introduced the scapula push-up.

Coffeeteria conversation was mostly about expense account scams.  We all learned some essential tricks.  Stealing the garbage truck was tempting. 

GG sends.