Stars Aligned at Half Life

FNG-1 = Coin Toss, not registered on the F3 LKN site.

YHC tweeted 15 as the #F3Counts at this morning's #HalfLife, but upon recount, the total was actually 16 (!)  We may have forgotten to include Beetle in the counts.  I'm told nature came calling for him toward the end of the workout.

I was supposed to have the Q last week, but was still battling sickness that had been beating me down for over a week.  Thankfully, Free Pass came to the rescue and took that Q.  I in turn took the last HL Q in January, but then promptly traded Qs with DonHo, who had been signed up for this week's HL Q but had a work conflict come up.

YHC then went to work on the Twitter channels, trying to recruit some pax out to Half Life, as well as coordinate with the Optimus Project (TOP) runners.  In the end, the stars aligned, and it was just like old times at the Half Life AO, with cars pulling into the Bailey Road Park parking lot left and right.  It was awesome to see.

0500: Large group of pax (10?) were present for some early miles.  We all took one lap around the perimeter of Bailey Road Park (approx 1 mile).  At that point, the TOP runners broke off to head to Hough track to start their workout, while YHC, Anchovy, and Turnpike took another lap and change around BRP.

0530: Anchovy, Turnpike, and I collected several additional pax who had arrived for the main event, including MQ Duvall and surprise visitor / first time Half Lifer Cherry Bomb.  We headed to Hough track to join the TOP pax already there.  There were at least three groups of runners:

  • TOP runners (I believe) ran the following: 1600, 1200, 800, 400, 800, 1200, 1600.  1600 was at 10k pace, with progressively quicker pace at the shorter distances.
  • YHC led a group that did timed intervals, as follows: 4 min on, 4 min off (x 2), and then 3 min on, 3 min off (x 2).  The 4 min intervals were at 10k pace, and 3 min intervals were at 8k pace.
  • A third group that (I believe) included 8-track and PrimeTime ran EZ pace around the track for the duration of the workout.


  • Thanks to TOP for coordinating with YHC and allowing this group to come together.  It was great to see everyone and lock arms in one big COT.  Hope we can do it again next week for DonHo's Half Life Q.
  • Turnpike somehow made a brief appearance on the Kotters list.  How is that possible?!  Anyway, glad we took care of that.  Whew!
  • YHC ran intervals with Coin Toss, Anchovy, and Cherry Bomb.  They all killed it out there, and probably would have been up for more intervals had we not run out of time.
  • LittleFinger is getting seriously fast.  YHC's group was in the middle of an interval when LF came flying by on the inside lane, making us look as though we were running our recovery pace.
  • YHC's group caught Garcia from behind once.  He was in fact running his recovery pace, but hey, we still caught him.
  • Thanks to Duvall for allowing YHC to lead the pax this morning.  Hope we can keep the momentum going at HL.  Thanks again to Free Pass for taking last week's Q for YHC.
