Start from the Bottom and Work Your Way Up.

8 of the finer, generally more refined (save for Toxic) men of F3LKN attended the weekly AO known as Man Maker Monday, as they felt inclined to punch their man card.  This is close to what happened:

YHC arrived right on time, as per usual
Toxic was running an auxiliary lap upon my arrival, as he knew he would be unable to complete the requisite SSH exercises.
We took one mosey lap around the lot and circled up for a disclaimer (no one is responsible for anything) and warm-o-rama, all for X15 (UNO):
2-legged calf raise
Toy Soldier
Plank Jack
SSH X 50 (Toxic, as an alternative, attempted Monkey-humpers, but true-to-form, gave up after 5 or 10)
Slow squat
Full curl
Shoulder shrug
Shoulder press
Skull Crusher
The ‘Merican Push-up
Lap around the lot
2-legged calf raise
Slow squat
Alternating LBC
Low curl
Shoulder shrug
Shoulder press
Skull Crusher
Shoulder-touch ‘Merican
Lap around the lot, finishing at the pull-up bars for a page from Popcorn’s Saturday work-out: CINDY- 5 pull-ups, 10 ‘Mericans and 15 squats every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes.
Mosey back to Circle-up for one more round:
2-legged calf raise
Slow squat
Alternating LBC
High curl
Shoulder shrug
Shoulder press
Skull Crusher
10 Burpees
MARY-round the circle:
Things like: Freddy Mercury, Low Flutter, Alternating LBC, Crunchy Frog, Dot the I, The stupid back and forth exercise from Toxic, dying cockroach, The ‘Merican push-up.
Recover X 2
Naked Moleskin:
1. Thanks for posting this morning, Gents.  A predictable showing, sans some reg-u-lars (looking your way Hat Trick, Omega, Jersey Boy, Bagboy and others) 
2. Somehow, some way, Holiday was torn away from his newfound bestie- “Peloton” to post at this workout.  Thanks for posting, bro.
3. Stapler appears to be wasting away to nothing.  I’m worried about you, man.  Eat a bagel, you’ll be ok.
4. Stromboli, AKA “The Bionic Man” has made a tremendous recovery and is acting like he’s back in his 30s.
5. Toxic, on the other hand, acts like he’s in his teen but has the physical capability of a 75-year old.  He still talks a good game, anyway.
6. Not sure if Cousin Eddie got his #Standard in, but I’m betting he did.
 7. Frontier gave another solid performance this morning- he’s the strong, silent type, you know.  Some of you should take lessons.
8.  Deep Dish kept looking around for Little Professor.  Seemed a bit lost without his protege.  But he muscled through without any complaints.  
9.  Hope you had a great day, gents.  See you soon.