Start your Tuesday with The Finger!

Event Date

Nov 14, 2023


Nugent also present but STILL prefers to be off the grid! He may set the record for most posts without registering on the website.

A little over a year ago, I had the Q at Viking, where Canuck and Jersey Boy joined me for an unintended session of Strava art. When the workout was over, we had made the shape of a middle finger using a small portion of the park and the church lot.  Well, I saw Canuck last week and stupidly said “we should do the middle finger again!” Since nobody has the Q, I grabbed it for today and we got to introduce the finger to 7 other pax! Here’s what we did:

Mosey from launch through the back of the parking lot, incorporating knee-to-chest, quad pulls, high knees, frankensteins, and butt kickers. At the park entrance, we completed warm-o-Rama with IST, TS, Long snapper, windmill, slow Mericans, and slow squats. 
may the bottom of the hill, we grabbed a rock for 11’s. 
First set (starting with 10) – RDL and curls at the bottom, and WW2 (starting with 1) at the speed bump up the hill.

Second set: chest press and horiz skull crusher  at the rocks and little baby extensions up the hill further into the park.

Mosey back to the church and take a lap around the finger for definition.

– overall good workout: over 2 miles and plenty of reps

– have had a cold and wasn’t sure I would make it but glad I did (as always)

– great group this morning… not much complaining, but plenty of chatter which continued over coffeeteria. 
– Canuck took us out, with prayers for Shelby on a long drive and also for his nephew who is finishing chemo.

Thanks men!