Start your weekend off sore

Event Date

Jul 18, 2020


Six me showed up to get after a Saturday morning workout to get he weekend kickstarted. It went something like this…


  1. SSH x 20 IC
  2. Windmills + ham stretch
  3. Monkey Humpers + thigh stretch
  4. Arm Circles, side,front, up top
  5. Mosey up LBH back to AO

The Thang


  1. Merkin Sprints, Max Merkins in 1 minute x 3 sets, about 30 seconds rest in between
  2. Plank 1 minute


  1. 5 sets of 10 Squats + 5 walking lunges (per leg) up and down the parking lot
  2. 1 Minute of LBC's and 1 Minute of Reverse LBC's
  3. 2 x LBH Sprint


  1. Pullups Sprints:  5 sets of 5+ pullups (or max)
  2. 2 Minutes of Situps
  3. 4 Sets of Parking Lot Shuttle Runs


  1. 2 Sets of Block Press, 20 IC
  2. 2 Sets of Block Dead Lift, 15 IC
  3. 2 Sets of Hanging Toe Touches, 10 OYO
  4. 2 Sets of Quadrifilia up LBH

Get Jacked

  1. 2 Sets Curls for Girls, 20 IC
  2. 2 Sets Skull Crushers, 20 IC
  3. 2 Sets Block In and Outs, 15 IC


  1. Neck Exercises:  Laying on your back, 1 minute of neck up and down, 1 minute of neck side to side
  2. 30 Seconds of Arm Haulers
  3. 20 Fire Hydrants IC each side
  4. LBC Legs Right then, Legs Left: 15 IC
  5. American Hammer to 8am, about 1 minute


John 15:13:  Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for ones friends.  

Moleskin:  The guys who did their triathalon training before this, Shirley, Cheetah and Hefty, RESPECT.  You guys are studs, thank you for working hard for another hour.  Everyone worked up a good sweat and worked hard some good natured bitching but a fun hard working group for sure.

I appreciate all of your hard work and pushing me to get better each week.

Thank you!
