Starting position move…in cadence…exercise! BM VQ

14 grit-filled souls entered the misty gloom at Arnie’s Army unsure of what to expect from YHC’s VQ (for the most part).

9 completed a Standard Run with talk predominantly surrounding how fast the group should be going. YHC received some friendly coaching on how to better control the situation and pace, so he led the pack…briefly. All runners accounted for in the end and all was well.

Mosey around the lot, circle up


Warm-o-rama: disclaimer given

SSH x 15

IST x 10

Soybean farmer x 12

Mountain climbers x 15

Windmill x 10

Merkins x 20

5 burpees OYO


The thang:

Mosey to bridge 

Bear crawl under planks 

People’s chair

Over and back x 5

People’s chair

Over and back x 5

Mosey back to AO, partner up, grab 1 block per group

Round 1:

Partner 1: block curls (YHC audibled block curl station and shuffled slightly closer to tennis courts)

Partner 2: to the tennis courts for 10 burpees and back


Plank until all groups done

Round 2:

Partner 1: Block squats

Partner 2: to the tennis courts for 20 Merkins and back


Plank until all groups done

Round 3: move to picnic tables

Partner 1: dips

Partner 2: to monkey bars, traverse monkey bars, and back


Incline plank until all groups done

Round 4:

Partner 1: alternating (or oscillating?) leg step ups

Partner 2: to pull up bars x 10 and back


Back to cinder blocks

Round 5:

Partner 1: zamperini blocks to lot circle (and around circle) and back

Partner 2: more planking! 





Crunchy frog

WWII sit up

Elbow plank x 1 minute


Recover recover 



The mumblechatter was early and often today, which was greatly appreciated. It certainly helps when the VQ messes up cadence on the first count of the first exercise. Thank you all for acknowledging the rousing start to today’s workout!

Extra Strava Kudos go to Poptart, for not letting the #pacebully bullies deter him from keeping an easy, even, 8-minute pace. You held your head high for 24 minutes of heckling. Well done, sir!

I’m proud to say this was one of the louder, more pungent rounds of Mary I’ve been a part of. Won’t get into the specifics, but Mule was caught in the crossfire for most of it. Good job, guys. Hoping it didn’t wake too many of the neighbors.

Today was great. YHC was signed up for today by MQ Auto way back in December. Two months go by fast, but it provided a good deal of motivation and time to post more, get used to Q styles/exercises, and experience different workout tempos.

-A big thanks to Auto, DonHo, and Chapo for all the EHing it took to encourage YHC out of his comfort zone over the past year.

-Another big thanks to all the PAX who were new to the AO. So awesome to have Mule, Chapo, Turnpike, and Mona Lisa there. Enjoyed showing everyone around the local AO. Also was happily surprised to have a close friend from high school and college, FNG Graham, out. Strong work today and can’t wait to post again with you SOON.

-Very grateful to have Arnie’s Army regulars out as well. Much of what YHC has learned thus far in F3 has come from the likes of Lego, Poptart, Swing State, Roadie, Warthog, and Crimson.

Appreciate having the opportunity to lead a strong group of men today and looking forward to the next opportunity to Q. Until next time!