Starting the second half of 2020 the right way.

FNG-1 is "Two Dollars"

Today marks the first day of the second half of 2020.  We can only pray that the second half of the year isn't the same shit storm that the first half has been.   Either way, it's in God's hands, so a hand full of Race City's finest tied our CRC shoes and showed to see what I had in store.  

As I exited my car, I see Soul Glo walking towards the flag.  Wait.  Is he shirtless?  No.  What the hell is it?  He had on a tank top with chiseled abs screen printed on the front.  It was remarkable.  I immediately forgot everything I had planned for that workout.  

Mosey across the street to where we used to launch
SSH x10
Mericans x10
Mosey to the next driveway
Mericans x10
Slow deep squats x10
Mosey to the next driveway
Mericans x10
IST x10

Mosey to the bottom of Jet Hill.

We hit almost all the driveways on the street.  Each time we passed an entrance we repeated the exercises each time.  

1st stop (Jet's parking lot entrance)
Mericans x5
back to the bottom of the hill

2nd stop (smoking station)
Mericans x5
5 incline mericans
back to the bottom of the hill

3rd stop (Weining's parking lot entrance)
Mericans x5
5 incline mericans
5 broad jump burpees
back to the bottom of the Hill

4th stop (acrioss the street)
Mericans x5
5 incline mericans
5 broad jump burpees
?10 dry docks
back to the bottom of the Hill

5th stop 
Mericans x5
5 incline mericans
5 broad jump burpees
?10 dry docks
50 LBC
back to the bottom of the Hill

Mosey to the bottom.
Indian run back to the A.O.
Recover.  Recover. 

1.  Soul Glo's shirt was distracting
2.  Ape disappeared during the 3rd stop.  He returned with one less sock.  Gross.
3.  Brushless was there.  Was he really?  He passed us during the Indian Run in his car.
4.  There is a new beautiful building on Crosslake Park dr.  We were convinced its a front for something illegal.
5.  Missed a lot of the regulars today.
6.  We covered 2.5 miles and it sucked.  Jet hill never disappoints.  
7.  Coffeteria was fantastic.  
8.  Thanks for the chance to lead this group.
9.  HDHH next Thursday.  Check slack.