Starting the Week with Strength

Event Date

Jul 20, 2020

3 pax got their week started with some strength work.

No pax for the Standard today – I had dead legs at the end of a trail run this past weekend, and decided to skip the Standard to give them a little more rest.  Heely did run in to the AO, however, arriving just after YHC and Crimson to make us a threesome.


  • Lap around parking lot
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Mountain Climber x 10 IC
  • Merican x 10 IC


Grab a block and return to parking lot.

  • Curl x 10 IC
  • Overhead Press x 10 IC
  • Squat x 10 IC
  • Lawnmower x 10 OYO each arm
  • Skullcrusher x 10 IC
  • Lap around parking lot

Repeat above sequence, but increase reps to 15.

Repeat above sequence, but decrease reps back to 10.

Replace blocks and mosey to Whoville tree circle at other end of parking lot.

  • All pax Muhammad Ali AMRAP while pax take turns running a lap around Whoville tree, until each pax has completed two laps.

Repeat above, but with curb dips AMRAP.

Repeat above, but with alternating lunges AMRAP.

Mosey to pullup bars for 2 rounds of Murph:

  • Pullup x 10 OYO
  • Merican x 10 IC
  • Squat x 15 IC

Return to parking lot for round robin of ab work:

  • Low Flutter x 20 IC (Turncoat)
  • Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC each leg (Crimson)
  • WWII Situp x 15 (Heely)
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC (Turncoat)

Recover, recover.


  • Grateful to have Crimson and Heely join me this morning.  We got some good work in but also caught up during the down time.  Great way to start the week.
  • Crimson and YHC followed up with some 2nd F afterwards at Birkdale Starbucks – thanks, brother!
  • Heely is getting back at it after some R and R with the family out of state.  Perhaps we'll see him again next Monday at the Murph?
  • Speaking of next Monday's Murph – I'll be out of town with the family and won't be able to make it.  Would appreciate it if one of the Arnie's Murph regulars could handle the preblast, counts, and backblast in my absence…..Tuffy, Auto, Gypsy?
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016….. so grateful for this group.
