Station to Station – Banana Style

Hook, Jumunji, Fullback Bubbles also a part of the PAX

22 men arrived. 1 the Q – right on time with a plan – a darn good one…


Quick lap of parking lot to warm-o-rama

SSH x 25

Run the school loop

Cotton picker x 20

CDD x 20

IST x 20


20 WWII Sit ups

Merkins x 15

Mohammad Ali x 20

Grab a block


Curls x 10


6 inches

Chest press x 20

Zamperini with block halfway up the parking lot

Partner up

Partner 1 – run to pull up bars – 10 pull-ups run back

Partner 2 – chest presses


Partner 1 – run to pull up bars- 10 pull-ups, run back

Partner 2 – skull crushers


Zamperini to pull up bars

Break into 4 groups

Group 1 flip tire down parking lot sprint back

Group 2 10 knee ups + LBCs

Group 3 KB swings with blocks

Group 4 shoulder presses

Everyone complete the circuit

Partner back up – partner

partners 1 – all flip tire

partners 2 – farmers carry blocks to end of parking lot and back to where tire is

Switch – and repeat twice until tire is 3/4 the way home

Circle up – plank it out for Tire flip time bomb

along the way – LBCs, Homer to Marge

Staggered merkins x 5 each side

Take blocks and tire home

Mosey to gym wall

People's chair

Air presses x 20

Mohammad Ali x 20

People Chair

Touch them heels x 10

Back to launch point for Mary

Ws x 20

Homer to Marge

Scissor Kick x 20

V Up x 10 each side


1) Mumble chatter at a 9 on a scale of 10. Shoe Special Sauce and S'mores leading the way

2) Bananas not allowed during workouts any more

3) Thanks to Crimson to placing the tire in the exact required location from True Grit

4) Great group for MJ .. lots of enthusiam and hard work. 

5) Shoulders/Shoulders/Shoulders