Stations (none of which were burpees) at The Blender

Event Date

Feb 01, 2022

4 pax emerged from the darkness of the gloom and the warmth of the fartsack to join YHC and move some iron around at The Blender today. Little did they know they’d have 3 opportunities to get their hands around YHC’s big, long, thick, black… rope while the rest of the pax watched. 


Warm-o-rama:  Lap, SSHs, ISTs, Long Snappers, Windmills


Establish the stations. Everyone rotate through. Each station AMRAP. Rope is timer. 




Skull crushers


Rope x 20 IC is the timer 


Law mowers




Christian McCalf-raises 







Pax choice:

  • Side Benz 10 IC each side
  • Around the world on your knees 10 each direction
  • KB swing 20 IC
  • KB plank side to side drag x 5 each side (broke the 20 trend)
  • Allen Iverson KB thru the legs 10 each way


Mary (without a rope)


50 Jackknife LBCs each leg (hopefully these get easier. We did 25 each leg, 12 each leg, 13 each leg)


Box cutters


Low Flutters






YHC was drawing a blank when thinking of ideas for a workout last night, so decided to mix it up and include the rope for the main course instead of MWAR. 20 in cadence was aggressive. 


Simple, yet effective workout I’d say. And it seemed that each of the pax disliked a different exercise while each pax seemed to like a different exercise as well. 


Weather app said “30°, feels like 25°”. That slight breeze was noticeable. I’m ready for Spring and Summer. 


The Force is OUT