Stay in your Lane brah

6 PAX just so happened to find themselves at the same parking lot this morning and decided to get some work in, while maintaining proper social distancing and safety of course.WARM-O-RAMA. The warm-up consisted of a mosey lap keeping our distance, then a nice big open spacious circle where we did the usual, SSH, IST, toy soldiers, slow deep squats all X10 IC.THE THANG:Stay In Your Lane Kamakazie: We lined up along one edge of the parking lot, keeping a minimum of one parking stall separation between the next PAX, we proceeded to do a modified kamikaze down the parking aisles, each PAX staying in their lane. at the near side of each a isle we did five squats, and at the far side we did five Americans. We proceeded, adding one aisle each time all the way down to we got to the cars.then one at a time, keeping safe distance, we each grabbed a block and went back to our big open spacious circle. We went around the horn, each PAX calling an exercise The ones I remember are lawn mowers, overhead press, 8-count bodybuilders and two new ones, the jackass twist and the jackass crunch (show to know). We went around about twice, then put the blocks away and did some dips on the benches to finish up, again keeping minimum 6-ft separation distance.COT was nice and spacious, only air high fives. We talked about what is going on in each PAX’s life. We also discussed the importance of all of this social distancing stuff, reinforcing that it’s not about you and your level of fear, but avoiding the spread of the disease to others. while it is still great, and for some quite necessary, to get out into the gloom with our brothers, we can find ways to do that while still staying safe and staying smart. for example, if any more p a x showed up this morning, YHC would have opted to split into two workouts.all in all, it was great to get some work in with our brothers, hope everyone is staying strong, staying smart, and staying safe.