Stay the Course

Event Date

Feb 01, 2019

Yes it was cold but that didn't get in the way of 6 Pax getting their swole


Arm circles followed by love yourself

25x IC SSHs

The “standard” crew shows up no thanks to spork 🙂


The Thang

Wall sit with 10 x IC KB Air Press

25 x LBCs IC

25 x Reverse crunches


Session 1 (IC – 4 counts)

30 x OYO Russian Swings (eye level swing) 

10 x IC Row Right

10 x IC Row left

10 x IC Goblet Squat

10 x IC Skull Crusher (tricep extension)

10 x IC Suitcase swings right

10 x IC Suitcase swings left

10 x IC Sidewinder 

10 x IC goblet curl right

10 x IC goblet curl left

10 x IC goblet curl


Wall sit with 10 x IC KB Air Press

25 x LBCs IC

25 x Reverse crunches


Session 2

30 x OYO 'Merica Swings (swing to top overhead)

10 X IC Goblet Thruster

10 x IC chest press on your back 

10 x IC Hammer Curls

10 x IC Goblet Squat Curl

10 x IC Around the Body right

10 x IC Around the Body left

10 x IC Russian twists

10 x IC Clean jerk left

10 x IC Clean jerk right


Wall sit with 10 x IC KB Air Press

25 x LBCs IC

25 x Reverse crunches


Around the horn

Scope – one arm press 10 IC left then 10 IC Right

Crawdad – Lat bridge thingys 20 right then 20 left OYO

Spork – 10 merkins OYO

Mater – 10 In and Outs #OnlyHereToCheckTheMeter

Marker – 10 IC Goblet squats #NailedTheCount

Zip – chest presses


1 John 2:11 (NIV) But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.


Love your neighbor, let go of grudges and transgressions.



  • The standard crew tried their best to derail the workout but Q stayed the course.

  • Musical Pax

  • Mater trying to pay the Q back by trying to knock him off his count

  • Spork found some hand warmers #DontAsk

  • Can’t hear most of what is being said and that is probably a good thing

  • Cardio Bellz on this chilly morning …. Keep moving at it isn’t that cold