Steam at the 1st Thursday Challenge

Event Date

Dec 03, 2020

4 of LKN's finest and YHC kept the Christmas party going at The Wilderness, with Christmas music and red/blue flashy lights. *alert*


Circle up in the parking lot

Slow Windmill, Potatoe Pullers, IST, Toy Sailor, all IC x10

The Thang

The Challenge: we start at 7x reps and GO UP 1x rep each set, with a goal of completing the 14x rep set, for a total of 8 sets, or more to achieve a new PB (personal best) in under 40 minutes (give a few minutes for warm-up and Mary).  


So first set will be 7x of each OYO, or do the first set IC and spread out from there: 


7x CDDs 

7 x Low Flutters 

Bear Crawl from Parking Lot, Light 1, to front of Clubhouse (~15 yards), to Light 2 

Forgot about the 7x Jump Squats. Oops 

Mosey to playground 

7x Pull Ups at Playground

7x Dips at the benches at the Playground

Mosey back to the tree at Light 3

Walking Lunges back to Light 1


Repeat, going UP one rep on all exercises and do as many full sets (to playground and back) as you can. 




Headed over to the street for Mary, Dying Cockroaches, Touch them Hills, Suzanne Summers, Low Dolly, etc. 


Totally missed the M when she drove by, though Ultraman called it, but we did the Monkey Humpers after she passed by anyway for the amusement of someone driving up Oakham.  


10x IC J Lo's for Amen. 


10x IC Dot the I for Toxic and 10x Shoulder Touch Merkins for Snake Eyes, even though not there. 


recover recover




Nice job and mumble chatter by all. 


Lots of discussion on the Christmas party.  YHC gave a go at plaigerizing Gnarly Goat's speach.  Talked about showing up, because a PAX may need you there to vent.  Everyone has something going on in there life, but some have better days than others.  In the Navy, Steam is life!  It provides propulsion, electricity, climate control, even oxygen if you are on a submarine. And at the end of the workout, we all have Steam coming off us.  Keep up the Steam!  


Prayers go out to Dallas and the passing of his mother, Gnarly Goat for the passing of his best man and friend, and health for all of LKN.  


All PAX completed the 16 reps set, nice work! 


TG sends, 
