Steamy Circuits at the playground

Event Date

Jun 17, 2024

6 PAX for an extremely steamy GLOOM.

Zamporini to the playground 

Warm-aroma: Slow windmills IC X 10, long snapper IC X 15, runners stretch right for 5 count hold then flip flop, KB middle hang in between, IST IC X 15 

The Circuit:

Circuit 1 – 10 pullups or Australian pullups, bentover Rows X 20, curls X 20 all OYO. 3 rounds. Finished early – step ups 

Circuit 2 – Sumo squats X 10, Rock Balboas X 10, KB lunge X 10 each leg. 3 rounds All done OYO. Finished early – bench dips 

On your six – KB LBCs IC X 20, windshield wipers IC X 10, KB situp X 5, chest press IC X 30

Circuit 3 – slow Mosey around the playground, bench dips X 15 – 20 count. 3 rounds 

Strength of wills – hold KB in curl position until all PAX drop

Superman hold, elbow plank hold 

Zamporini back to launch 

Announcements – check social media for upcoming events that PAX are training for.

Prayers – Peggy (F3 PAX Oyster’s sister in law) for heart procedure. Lessen the Anger and Hate all around the World. Those in unfortunate circumstances (less fortunate) all around the World.

Moleskin – it’s tough when the thermostat says 82° at 5:15am, however, this is when accountability is key. 👊🏼 Glad to have 5 other PAX at MMM and to combine with 7 more PAX from Berrean at Coffeeteria on this extremely steamy morning