Stick 500

Event Date

Aug 31, 2017


9 men posted to SVU to relive fun from the past.  Anyone remember the last occurrence of the Spartan Stick 500? Me either.  Maybe 2015-ish?  Well, it came back today.       FNG-1 is Holeshot.


20 SSH

10 Mountain Climbers

Arm Circles

Everyone grab a stick.  8 available, so Cheetah improvises.


The Plan:  

10 exercises incorporating a 48”x1” wooden stick @ 50 reps each

= 500 total reps

  1. 50 Squat Jump w/ stick held overhead

  2. 50 Merkins – alternating hand over/under stick

  3. 50 Stranded Turtles – stick over/under feet

  4. 50 Lunge Twist stick to side

  5. 50 Elbow Plank – feet hopping side to side over stick

  6. 50 Split Squat Jumps – stick to side

  7. 50 Pull-up off ground with stick as lever

  8. 50 Dippy Bird – move stick from side to side on one leg

  9. 50 V-ups – setting stick on ankles

  10. 50 Stick Burpees


Reflection: 1 Corinthians 15:58  

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord”.


Mole Skin:

  • Almost called an audiable, as we were a stick short.  Cheetah saves the day with a stick-ish limb from the woods.

  • Can’t find BB from last stick workout, but thinking it was 2015?

  • Holeshot was killing the burpees – serious effort

  • Looking back on old workouts, there’s some interesting ones coming back in the future

  • Everyone worked to their limits today, thanks for the effort

  • Hope everyone enjoyed the variety today

  • Thanks for the Q motivation to get me out in the gloom

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb