Stick to the knitting (ie the track)

The above plus Kwame, Heister and two others joined YHC for an atypical beatdown in atypical humidity this morning. YHC has long been a creature of habit, opting usually/ boringly to administer the Monday pain at the Davidson track.  Today we broke the mold and regretted it almost immediately.

The Workout

Standard warmup, followed by CVS wall bear crawl and jog to the pullup bars.  Fine so far.

Flat, modified stairway to 7. 1 pullup, run across parking lot, 1 burpee, repeat 2-7 reps.  Not fun.

Mosey to Spring Street after agreeing to be "vewy, vewy quiet"  once we arrived due to some prior criticisms for loud behavior.

Steep, modified stairway to 6.  1 squat at top of Spring, run to bottom, 1 burpee, repeat 2-6 reps. We got to round 4/5 of this horrible idea when we were mercifully yelled at (again) by one of the local neighbors.  Evidently we were not actually being "vewy, vewy quiet."  We called an audible and moseyed to DUMC for more traditional paver work.

Non stop paver circuit- curls, skull crusher, shoulder press, bench press, WWII situps, run to dumpster.  Repeato 2 more times, then hook up with the Pain Lab for COT.

Moleskin/ COT- great job today by everyone with all the distractions and brutal weather conditions.  We will be staying away from Spring Street from now on.  Squiggy questioned YHC on his lack of AQI monitoring as we sweated through our clothing.  Heister, 3 way and Hulka led the PAX as usual but everyone kicked ass.  In COT, we lifted up Sea Biscuit and Moonlight as well as others needing God's hand for guidance and strength.

Thanks to all for this group.  Have a great week.  GK