Sticks of Stone, Bad Jokes and Two Sad Sacks Make for Strong PAX

PAX: Bama, Mountain Gater, Titan, Dr. Sues, Snips, Omega, Hat Trick, Cracker Jack, The Geek, Soprano, Yosemite, waffle House.


Thank you Titan for giving me the keys to Fission. Great AO and some great PAX.


Clown Car goes to Yosemite and props to Omega for picking up wayward PAX Snips off the street. Glad to see Bama and Mountain Gater father son combo. Thank you to all for putting up with this green Q with bad jokes.




Mosey around the parking lot – High Knees, Butt Kickers and Regular


SSHx25, Windmillx15, Carrot Pullersx15, Mountain Climersx15, Imperial Storm Troopersx15


Grab the Sad Sacks (45 lb. sacks) – 2 Lines – Indian Run with last man in each line caring on of the Sack to the front. Runners pass Sack back to the last person who runs to the front with Sack. Repeat heading over to Cowboy Steak.



The Thang

Circle up

Merkinsx25 – Does the Q really need to have full extension? PAX helped me keep honest J

Moroccan Night Clubx50 – Feel the burn

Carolina Dry Docksx25



               Partner Up – Sticks of Stone & Run – Switch

Partner 1 – Run end of the parking lot       Partner 2 – Curls until partner relieves

Partner 1 – Run end of the parking lot       Partner 2 – Skull until partner relieves

Partner 1 – Run end of the parking lot       Partner 2 – Overhead Press until partner relieves

Partner 1 – Run end of the parking lot       Partner 2 – Squat until partner relieves

Partner 1 – Run end of the parking lot       Partner 2 – Stick Press until partner relieves


Next up – People Chair / Air Press x15 (sketchy fence, bad idea), Curb Dips x15


Mosey back to overhang – People Chair / Air Press x15 (much better), balls to the wall, triceps wall thingy x15


Mosey Back to 131 Main

Mary –

LBCsx15/ Pretzel crunch x15 each leg / The Wx15 / Low Flutterx15 / Mercinsx15 (did much better thanks PAX) / Rosalita x15 – End with Plank (Bad Frog Joke)


Closing Prayer: Prayer for Janet and Jim Westervelt. They are struggling a bit with some health issues. Thank you Lord for giving us the strength to get up every morning to come together and to serve you. Please give us the strength to use our give back to others and service in your name. Amen