Still A Thing?

Not registered on the website – Superman, STP, Overboard, and Stalker. True FNG (got his nickname last night) – Skid Mark. And, the Mayhem that attended last night is the Davidson Mayhem, not the Cornelius Mayhem.

Tiny was scheduled to Q but is under the weather which normally wouldn't have deterred him but he's running the Swamp Rabbit Half on Sat. and wanted to preserve his energy. He reached out looking for a sub at which point I texted him, told him I'd take it but not to let the masses know.

I came running around the Library at 6:59:50ish and did not stop yelling at the pax to follow me, there was some serious confusion at first but when I yelled again to follow me we headed off toward DUMC. I tossed in a few burpees on the run to shut down the mumblechatter. We got to DUMC picked up two bricks and took off running again, bricks in hand. We covered some ground stopping occasionally for some exercises with the bricks. We went back to The Green around 7:30 for the disclaimer and Warm-O-Rama. Yup, we did it out of order.

After our stop on The Green, we went back to DUMC to put the bricks back and picked up the pavers. We then marched around the parking lot with the pavers overhead and learned about how some of the pax got their F3 names. Then we circled up for a few paver routines before heading back to The Green for Mary.


  • Skid Mark who is a tire guy for a NASCAR team was oh so close to having the name Dunlop until STP shouted out Skid Mark. This is a classic and hopefully, he embraces it.
  • I love to give the Sweatshop crew a hard time, shocking I know. But, these guys are awesome. They've created their own little sub-region within the PRoD. They've even put together a team for Palmetto.
  • Sweatshop is a thing and in spite of my desire to shut it down, it will always be a thing.
  • Tiny, thank you for giving me the Q last night.
  • To all that posted, thank you for following me all through old Davidson…with bricks in your hands.
  • As always, I humbled to lead such a fine group of men.


