Stir the Cauldron and it stays hot

Perfect morning for some running as part of our workout, much to the mumble chatter of some of the pax. 

Nevertheless they did as instructed…for the most part.

Warm up:

SSH, IST, Slippery dip can, windmill


Partner up and #1 runs sidewalk around grassy area while partner #2 does AMRAP of:

curls, bent over rows, chest press, skull crushers, overhead press, lawn mowers, squats, upright rows

Of course you alternate with partner each exercise and we did take a mobility moment after lawn mowers for some pigeon 


head to the garage for a ladder 9 Merkins, run up the ramp 1 burpee (8-2,7-3, etc) Frogger almost finished before we moved on…and he was in the lead btw.


J-lo IC x30

V-up x10

Freddie Mercury IC x15

WW2 x10

1 min plank

WW2 x10

Freddie Mercury IC x15

V-up x10

J-lo IC x20 

Recover recover.

Solid work put in by all, despite some complaining about all the running. All said and done we ran about 2 miles, so they can all zip it and thank me later. Great crew of regulars at the Cauldron and always a pleasure to Q here. Thanks to The Force for the opportunity.