Stirring the pot!

Beautiful morning at the Cauldron where we got to be under the starts and get reacquainted with some oldies but goodies.  YHC knew I would be stirring the pot making Isotope great again…but hey…I care about your fitness.

#Disclaimer (You are welcome Pax who took advantage)

Warm O Rama

Zamperini to concrete. 

Lap around the lot

All Exercises in cadence

SSH x10 

Toy Solder x10

Windmill x10

Carrot Puller x10

IST x10

Arm Circles

Monkey Humpers x10

10 burpees OYO


The Thang

Single leg sep ups OYO x10

Lawn Mower each arm x10

Bent over row x10

Upright row x10

Single arm shoulder press x10 each arm

Dips x10

That was so much fun, let’s Repeato!

Mosey to the grass while doing around the worlds 

Time to stir the pot again!

Jack Webb x7 single count on my up and downs. 

Turkish Get Ups x10 each arm OYO.  I was reminded that I did have a #disclaimer

Chest press x10

Mosey to the parking deck while doing curls.

Partner up.

P1 exercises while P2 does farmer carry up and down ramp.  

Duh duh duh duh da duh DORA

100 Americans

200 Squats

300 LBCs

Recover Recover

Wet Moleskin

Farmers carry with Toxic’s shaft is awkward.

Great work by everyone. Mumble chatter definitely ended after the Webbs.

Great to see Bel Air out there.  It’s been a while.

Appreciate the concern from the Pax with my calf cramping. Lots of good ideas to combat.

Great work for all those that have supported the hurricane relief efforts and prayers for all those that are helping in the coming days.

Great opportunity to take advantage of company matches!

Live Life. Own Every Second. Never take anything for granted!

Humbly Yours~
